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Growth Lab 6 holds a special place for me in terms of the artistic 'leaps' I took. Believe me, I use the word 'leaps' quite liberally all things considered! hahah

Page 47 of that issue was one where I tried to do a little extra shading on the characters to make them pop off the page a more. I think back then the page came out all right and I liked the way it looked.  This was all back in 2003 or so I think?

Anyways - fast forward 17 years to now and I thought it would be neat to do a parallel story about that particular time period. Telling a little bit of backstory about how things came about and having a fun with the whole thing. So we have Flightplan which goes back to that time and of course this page which is a sorta redo of the original. Funny now that I look at THIS page and wonder if I was a little too faithful with this rendition/redo when I left out Benton's legs again! hahahaha OH well, I was always interested in drawing females more than males and it really showed in those early comics.

This one also goes out to all those looking for that "classic" Ready Art three stager!

Enjoy and thank you so much for your support. If you are a long time fan of the Growth Lab comics  I hope you enjoy this one!


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