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OK - I am working on some ideas for the comics (yeah, I still do new ones). I wanted to run some ideas by the people who are interested and come back regularly to read them. Check out the poll questions and vote for any and all that seem interesting. I also will talk a little about some ideas for the upcoming works.

Growth Lab Origins Comics

This is just a working idea for the newest comics. The idea here would be to explain more about how the Growth Lab universe came to be and why there seems to be a global conspiracy against any sort of final solution to get rid of the growth virus. This comic would take place and parallel some of the earliest Growth Lab comics. It would be told from the point of view of the agencies working to create the energy (which turns into the growth virus). This would also introduce other agencies across the globe and more characters who are working for and against the people we know.

One idea would be a European agency that also is working on a cure and is actively looking to figure out who is behind things. I imagine a different team of people from all over Europe and Asia who have their version of Hannah, Bill, Karen etc. When I say their version I am not saying they are JUST like the ones we know. I mean these are the various operatives working to get things done in their own way. 

Growth Lab Timeline

This one has been in the cooker for a LONG time. I am considering creating a somewhat simple timeline of the Growth Lab comics with all the comics listed in correct order and some notes about various events. This is mostly for my reference and the three or four people who might be interested in lore like that. 

OK - check out the poll and vote if you like. Also, feel free to comment below with ideas related to the comics. 

Thank you! 



Louis Thomas

I wouldn't mind just single page/sequence redraws


That falls into the "comics redrawn" category. So yah, just put a check on that one and we can drill down on the particulars if need be.


Would love to see different universe stuff. Like Warcraft.