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You know, if they built those protection suits better there would be a lot less growth episodes. Then again, there would be a lot less growth and that's not what we want right!? haha

So here we have Karen experiencing the early failure of the latest suit. More to come for sure from her and the gang. Lots of growth BE, GTS and FMG in this one so stay tuned for more GIF previews and the final MP4 movie at the end of the month!

Talk with you soon!


Things to expect in the February Animation shipping Friday Night the 28th!

Here are some things to expect based off last month's Animation Tier poll. This is where the Animation Tier tells me what they like and I work it into the month's animations. Let's be clear here, the poll is one way YOU get to make the calls around here. When you see one up it's worth a look and a vote. That way you KNOW you are being heard.

  • Surprise Transformation – huge vote getter so yep, we shall have some SURPRISES!
  • Pleasurable growth – Another high vote getter!
  • FMG – of course!
  • BE – Always! Love breast expansion and love animating it!
  • GTS – YES! We will see women growing huge and out of their clothes!
  • Curvy women 
  • Strained growth – not the highest vote getter but I think it still rates
  • Clothes destruction – YAY!

Also, on the list though not the top getters (these are added as I can!)

  • HYPER muscled females
  • Known growth
  • Rear end growth
  • Environmental Destruction
  • SUPER giant GTS- We shall see!
  • Stomach area growth/muscling 
  • More too!




Looks really smooth


Thank you! I think this whole animation will be a blast. I am dropping in some ideas I have been cooking up over the last two animations!


Seriously, I'd have to expect that these ladies are wondering why they even bother? Nothing seems to stop them from growing, and they love growing anyway. Speaking of which...I remember that Vivian's energy was different and that's what set things off last time. And given that this animation is called, "Container", I'm thinking that Vivian might be what they're trying to contain.


That's an astute observation and pretty accurate. Vivian is kind of a wild card is a lot of this at the moment and she certainly needs to be contained!