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Can you believe we are now finished with the SECOND color animation? I think you will really enjoy this one too. I am working hard to make these packed with the transformations YOU ALL will enjoy. I put in as much of the goodies you voted for (and some that your ole' pal Ready enjoys!).

There were a LOT of really fun parts in this to draw and color and I think we are well on our way to even bigger and better movies. Remember to vote in the polls were we check on what YOU want so your voice is heard. 

Look for a summary of what to expect from the February animation up in the next week or so! 

Thank you again and talk with you soon!


**FULL CLIP WITH SOUND IS ATTACHED TO THIS POST - you will have to download it onto your computer as Patreon doesn't let me live preview it** 
You have to grab the attachment, download and view it locally. Patreon won't allow video previews unless I host offsite which kind of defeats the purpose of a Patreon reward. 
Animations Summary (from prior post)
Because of YOU we have these things! Thank you for your support and I want to work on bringing along more animations with sound, effects, music and perhaps voice work!




Really good stuff, Ready. I'm very happy to be following and contributing to see all these improvements. I have but one suggestion- it would be great to see some more outfit variations. I think seeing things like dresses, skirts, sandals, and heels would really spice things up. It also allows you to adjust settings. A formal party for example, or a business meeting, etc. etc.


Thanks so much! Appreciate the comment and agree. As you might already know the characters tend to all wear varied outfits. This time around since they were 'in jail' it seemed more appropriate to have them in uniform. Going forward there will mos-def be returning variety to the clothing!


LOL, you know at this point you have to say all the characters we see in the GL universe are certifiably insane. It's the only explanation that works, because they keep making the same mistakes over and over and over and over. I know the US military can be incompetent at times, but you think by now they'd separate all these jokers to be as far away from each other as possible across the planet lol.


HAHA I know! I had a long behind the scenes discussion about this EXACT thing a week or so back. I think the 'in universe' thinking here is THEY believe they are doing the right thing and though they keep effin up there is a constant effort to fix things. But yah, overall, lots of craziness!


Wish there was more big butt growth :c


This one actually might be my favorite animation. i don't even know how you cranked this out so fast! And the foot growth in this one was absolutely phenomenal


Noted and rear ends are certainly on the list for the next time round! Also, thank you so much for the support. It's a big deal that you and the other friends and fans support the work here. We really are here because YOU helped along with the others!


Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun drawing this one. There were a bunch of new techniques used to help make the production smoother and easier to manage. Mostly, it's a blast to do so that makes things a LOT easier. Thank you so much for the comment and the support!


What do I use to open this file on my phone? Because it doesn't seem to.


Anything that can open a .ZIP or a .RAR should do the trick. I don't know what OS you are running so you would just have to look for a free .RAR archiver in your respective online phone store.