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Hey all!

If you are a longtime subscriber you are probably used to seeing these updates but if not - WELCOME TO THE PATREON! Good to have you here and thank you so much for your support.

Before I get rolling, please remember to grab your rewards at the links below! It only takes a few minutes and it's a bunch of easy downloads. 

2020! The Year of Color Animations and Art

First off, can you fricking believe we are doing color animations monthly? I am so happy about that and I cannot thank you all enjoy! It's a HUGE deal that a little over a year ago we were barely hitting a few minutes a month in black and white animations and now we are getting animations in color monthly!

Thank you for that! I do the art but you are the support in this and I couldn't have done any of this without your help! We have a LOT more to do this year and some quick goals I expect to hit!

2020 Main Goals

  • Release second full length movie! (this one will be nearly ALL IN COLOR). The ETA on this is probably mid or after mid-year. In the meantime though you will get all the parts of the movie MONTHLY if you are in the Animation Tier
  • Increase the amount of minutes and quality in the monthly animations. This is an ongoing endeavor. Each month I work to not only make things better but give you MORE MINUTES of animations. 
  • More color comics are previews. I can't guarantee we will be seeing full color comics anytime soon but I can tell you we will be getting more color pages released! I want to see more color probably as much as you do!

I have a few more adds but I'll keep them under wraps for the moment. I don't want to over promise anything at the moment. 

Ok - back to work for me on your latest animations and talk with you soon!


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