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This is a post for new people and a retrospective for longtime friends and fans. It’s YOU who are making this happen and I’m doing what I can to bring everyone maximum value for subscribing.

PART 1: Why subscribe to this Patreon and what does it REALLY get YOU?!?

Hey all, I have been thinking about this one for a while and wanted to drop some thoughts on my Patreon, its direction and what it means when YOU subscribe. Basically, this is a deep dive into what your money gets you as well as what you are funding exactly.

Read on and if you have question or comment then please drop me a line!

So, why subscribe at all?

I will be speaking specifically about the Animation Tier but this also applies in many ways to all tiers.

Short Version

1. Animations and comics of the BE, GTS and FMG variety as well as polls and monthly extras for everyone!

2. NO GATING OF OLD CONTENT (read why below)

3. Consistent, weekly and monthly delivery of content with increasing rewards for all

4. Lots of art to see BEFORE you join (you don’t need to be a patron to see it either!)

5. Community built for YOU!

Long Version

1. BE, GTS and FMG Art: I'm guessing you are here for transformation animations and comics of the mostly breast expansion (BE), giantess (GTS) and female muscle growth variety (FMG). Additionally, there are a LOT of opportunities for YOU to interact with me and help plan the direction of animations and art. 

2. NO GATING OF OLD CONTENT: If you subscribe to the Animation Tier you get access to ALL THE OLD animations! We have hours of animation and thousands of pages of comics ready for you right now and more coming all the time. You get your current month and you can go back and grab all the past animations and GIFs. It’s all linked for easy access. 

I thought about this one a lot. At first, I strongly considered making things month to month as many creators do. In other words, you would ONLY get the month you signed up for and nothing else. You know what? I didn’t like that since I would be bummed if the situation was reversed and I WANTED MY TRANFORMATION MOVIES! Hahaha

So, I took a chance and made it all open for anyone jumping on. I know that may seem counter-intuitive in terms of ‘getting subscribers’ but here’s how I look at it… you and I need to have some trust about this. I know not everyone can afford to sign up for months and months. Some people can only afford a small donation and many more can’t afford anything at all. They can only see the free stuff. I also know how hard it is to find ANY animations of this type on the net or anywhere. 

So, I made it a little easier for everyone but there is an unspoken understanding that YOUR SUPPORT is what is making all this possible. I know that sounds stupid to say out loud but yah, your donations and all the other donations have gotten us here and they will get us a lot farther.

There you go then; I don’t gate the content and I trust you will do your best to support me in ANY way you can. Sharing, subscribing even LOOKING at the free art! Heck, I appreciate all my fans and am indebted to all who have checked out my work.

3. Consistent delivery of art: Every week, several times a week patrons get rewards in the form of comics and animated GIFs; monthly we get long form animations and digital high res downloads. That has been going on for as long as the Patreon has been around.

If you are familiar with me you know I have been doing this a while and you can go look at my main site (www.readyartzone.com) or my deviantArt (https://www.deviantart.com/readyart) if you want to get an idea of my output. 

I work constantly to bring you BETTER ART. Your support helps that happen faster since it allows me to spend more time creating transformation art.

4. Lots of free examples to help you decide: Wondering what my work is like? Well, you don’t need to spend any money to see that. Simply head to my main site to see all the comics (www.readyartzone.com) or head to deviantArt to see samples of the animations you can expect (https://www.deviantart.com/readyart)

I’ve been doing transformation art for nearly thirty years and I will be the first to say everything I do isn’t a masterpiece. I do feel there has been a lot of improvement and progress. Look at the latest animations or art and compare that to a year ago and you will see what I mean. 

An example, we started with black and white animations and at the time we were getting FOUR minutes a month and that gradually crept up to around 15 minutes over the course of a year. That is no small jump. Switching to color doubled the workload and we are still getting nearly 10 minutes a month. Even saying that I expect as time goes, we will see total animation minutes a month increase.

5. Community: Personally, this is one of my favorite parts of the patron since it’s really about sharing with the community and bringing us together. I did this for free for a long time before even starting a Patreon and my record proves I do the work for the love. I LOVE drawing transformation art and sharing with you. 

Your support in ANY FORM means a lot to me. Heck, just looking at the art is enough. Thank you for that. If you are telling others and recommending me then thank you again. For all those that want to drop their hard-earned cash on supporting me I am eternally grateful. 

I look to give back to you as a way of paying back the community I have been part of. My sites all encourage a positive attitude and that’s not lip service. I have a zero-tolerance policy towards jerkish or rude behavior. There is NO place for it anywhere and least of all on a niche adult art site. Haha. I mean come on, we are a small community and here to enjoy art and share so let’s have fun.

Really though, I enjoy your company and feedback. I do what I can to bring you the art I love. I always like your input and do what I can to dovetail my likes with yours. 

So, thank you again for joining my Patreon (or considering it!). I intended to be around for a while and appreciate having you here with me. 

PART 2:  Ready Talks "How do I (and you) decide the characters, transformations and general direction of the monthly animations? " 

Hey all and welcome to an episode of your favorite show – “How the Patreon works for YOU!”

Today's’ topic is an easy one! How do I (and you) decide the characters, transformations and general direction of the monthly animations? 

The short answer: everything comes from the monthly patron animation poll so if you are in the Monthly Animation Tier - VOTE. That is where it all starts for each month’s work. PERIOD, end sentence! Haha

The longer answer is the poll becomes my template for the animation. I look at the results and layout the rough plot which is based of my *ahem* “storytelling” and characters in the Growth Lab universe. Generally speaking, there are characters who are representative of certain transformation types (BE/GTS, FMG, etc.). If a bunch of people want to see FMG then there are people like Karen, Vivian and to some extent Hannah who are focused on those types of transformation. BE/GTS tend to be Luna, Trisha, Olivia and more. 

As time goes on, I add and pull characters based on my interest and the patron feedback. Lest you think the whole thing is COMPLETELY under the control of the vote, it is not. At least when it comes to the story and direction of the various animations (types of shots, scenes, etc.). I think the way the system is now allows the maximum amount of input from the friends & fans here and lets me have enough freedom to make something I think is fun. Fun is a great motivator for me. Believe me when you are drawing thousands of frames of animation you better have great motivation! Hahahah

“What about the characters I like Ready?” or “What happened to [fill in the blank]? I loved her!” 

OK, one thing to know is I rotate the characters appearances in the animations. The reason is for variety the needs of the polls (see above). Sure, one month may have less character X and more character Y but it does even out. I keep an Excel sheet and track the types of transformations as well as the people in the animations very carefully. It’s a process but that level of organization really helps.

“What about [fill in the blank] transformations Ready? I vote all the time and they never get top votes!”

That’s a good question and I actually keep track of all the poll votes and look to work in even the very low vote getters as I can. The focus will always be on the top votes but the other ones are always counted! HOPE IS NOT LOST.

“Can’t we just get a whole animation with ONLY [fill in the blank] transformation!?! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!”

Yes, for some it would be amazing but we are a group here and what some like the others might not. I think the glorious thing we have here is there seems to be an innate understand we are a team. When we work together and share, we all win. That cooperative spirit is what has gotten us this far and I want that to continue on forever. 

The animation tier is NOT a private commission for individual patrons. 

I would LOVE to make hundreds of personal 10-minute animations for each person ever y month but I am only one person doing all this. To that end we are here together and sharing the fun all around. 

I see the core of the Animation Tier as Breast Expansion, Giantess Transformation and Female Muscle Growth all set in my Growth Lab Universe. I want this to go on and bring you MORE minutes of animation and all sorts of bonuses. 

OK, enough rambling and back to the latest and greatest for me!

As always, if you have comments or question, you can comment or DM me here. I am always listening and want YOU to enjoy the Patreon!

Talk with you soon,



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