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Hey all and a SUPER big thanks to you and your support not only in December but for this whole year. It's been an amazing time and I expect January and ALL OF 2020 to be even better!

Animated GIFs

So, now we have color animations and as I have spoken about a few times this means that each animation is taking two to three times longer to create. I expect that production time to drop and the animation length to increase going forward but in the meantime I want to be transparent about how quickly I can deliver GIF previews.

My goal each month is to hit a minimum of 12 GIF previews OR MORE. The GIF's represent a certain amount of work and though the color GIF are technically tied to a greater effort I'm doing my best to keep that pace.  This still is working out to an average of 3 previews a week - just realize I'm aiming for an overall monthly goal which I break into weekly work.   

When things are really humming along and we have a huge amount of animation then we are likely to see things like 15-20 GIF previews a month.

Why am I even bringing this up? Well, that's a good question, it's because with the advent of color and the heavier animation load (and much better animations, let's be honest) I expect 12 GIF's a month (versus 20) or a little more to be an honest expectation at the moment. As I get more used to color and find better ways to integrate it, I can see that number going up.

I'm mentioning all this to make sure YOU, my friend and support understand what's happening behind the scenes and don't wonder where they money or support goes.  

A small consolation

I will be upping the comic downloads for the Animation and GIF tiers in January and adding two high res packs to the mix for both tiers. I know it might not be a big deal to most but know I am doing what I can to bring you the most art and animation possible!

Comments or questions welcome as always and thank you for your support!


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