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Now, you know I don't do a whole lot of characters outside the GLab. The ones I do tend to be variants and the like but SOMETIMES... sometimes I get inspired to do my take.

Here you go! This was one of those moments where I felt color added a bit to the look versus a straight black and white drawing. Perhaps you agree and like this one too! It was a fun one to draw!

Enjoy and talk with you soon!


 PS - just to be clear - the Renegade comic is a ways off still.... 




That’s what I’m talking about!


Ho nice one 😊 I like what I would call the "face reveal" 😊 The boobs reveal is also really enjoyable 😂


Thanks, the costume and color make the ripping and easy "sell". hahah


Right? Don't say your old pal Ready doesn't deliver the holiday cheer!


You are the fucking man!


haha Thank you, you are too kind. I'm just doing my best so you get the most awesome art I can make!