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OK, I get asked A LOT from A LOT of people about having some sort of CUSTOM (or private) animation tier or something like that. This would be a tier YOU the patron COMPLETELY control the content of. The characters, story, etc. ALL YOU!

Right off the bat, that is not in any short term plan at all. In fact, I don't really have any long term plan for it at the moment. Still I am curious about YOUR general thoughts on it. 

First off let's talk about 2020 and what is in store:

  • Color Animations continue and the minute count of those animations goes UP in 2020. That is a MAJOR goal for me during this and next year. Get the minute count up and keep the quality high.
  • Misc Animation Improvements - VO, more VFX, SFX, etc. All those too!
  • Misc Comic Improvements - put our more color pages for people to enjoy
  • More rewards for everyone!

We would have to be in a slightly different place for me to consider something like a custom animation tier. There would be details to work out like the delivery, the length, the cost, etc. None of that is really fleshed out or considered at the moment so we will ONLY SPECULATE.

This is a thought experiment to see what the temperature of the room is. 

The general idea would be a tier where you are getting a one month or multi month project worked out in advance and delivered in stages - that YOU DIRECT AND DECIDE WHAT HAPPENS IN. Depending on the interest I can see it going a lot of ways. Check out the poll and see what you think about it OVERALL.


Let's be clear - YOU WILL NOT BE HELD TO ANY REPLIES IF YOU SAY YES! This is about interest and what people might enjoy IF there was a custom animation tier or something like that. Reply as much as you want and comment or ask questions if you like.

***Also - to be clear this would be an ADDITIONAL TIER to the ones we currently have. All other rewards remain the same!***

Once again - this is just about testing the waters and there are currently no plans for an custom/private animation tier!



A custom animation tier sounds interesting, but I don't think it would be a good idea 🤔 it will involve more work and the final result may not satisfy everybody, I really like how the patreon work right now, the animations are made to please everybody and that's great, with custom it may not be the case 😕

Louis Thomas

I would prefer to have another Custom Art slot to be honest.


A few things to unpack here.  #1, As was clearly stated above, this is only a thought experiment and there are no details about the mechanics to be discussed. Without knowing all the things like details, extent of the art and willingness of a patron to allow an animation to be parceled over time it becomes a pretty moot point to say things like 'this will take too much time/effort". In other words - we're just talking now and I don't plan on anything. #2 a custom animation slot is in ADDITION to the regular animation tier. Nobody would be getting short changed. Regular animations proceed as before and this is A NEW additional bit of animation for one person.  #3 If there are questions as to how this can all be accomplished  logistically and keep the quality high, the impact low and all other things in check then please refer to Point #1.


Man, I didn't even think of that. Good one!! Must be why they pay you the big bucks!


Ho, my bad, I may misunderstood or miss some lines in the description 😅


No worries at all! That's what the questions are for! Never worry about getting clarification. I am happy to elaborate at all times.


Speaking of questions, you say we could choose the character for the custom animation, but we could choose a character from the GLab universe or it could be every character ( as long as they are at least 18yo ) we want? 🤔 Btw, reading the comments, a custom artwork is a really nice idea too 😊


You can choose ANY character from ANYTHING you want. Doesn't have to be GLab. Yes, I do have guidelines for the art which can be discussed if this gets rolling. At this point, the main idea (GENERALLY SPEAKING) is you can commission who you want.


Ok, that's interesting 😊 I understand that for now it's just a topic under discussions, but that sounds promising 😊