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Yah, I said it might be months BUT YOU KNOW WHAT?! It's this month. 

December will be our first full color animation - end to end. All sequences will be done in color. 

I looked at the story and the characters and this one was contained enough (if that makes sense) to  go ahead and do it end to end in color. I view it as a pilot episode for a series. The time I am taking on this can be amortized over the next few months. Basically, the things I am learning and figuring out going full color NOW are going to save a lot of time going forward. 

I'm really enjoying the new sequences and things like the skin, green or otherwise, are making everything read a LOT better. Clothing looks a lot better and the shapes read clearer. Overall, I think it was a great decision so thank you for backing me up on this one.

Look for more previews as we go through the month. Beyond this month I expect to work on things like increasing the total minutes of animation and really bringing in new techniques and transformation action.

As I was talking about previously, the color sequences are basically taking twice to three times the normal time as just black and white. It shouldn't' be a surprise but what might surprise you is I am committed to bringing up those transformation and animation minutes as high as I can! I want  you to get the MOST bang for your buck.

Thank you again, enjoy the previews and TALK WITH YOU SOON! Comments or questions always welcome!





Hell yeah! 🤘 this sounds amazing 😀