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A short question and answer this time but might be of interest to those wondering about some of Growth Lab history. Check the featured tags on the left side of the main page for a quick link to all the posts in this series.

"As descriptive as you can, how would you describe the rivalry between Luna and Naomi?  There's always bitterness between the two whenever they're around each other and I want to know in your words how you would describe it."

OK - to answer the question about the rivalry. I will say this. From Luna's end I don't imagine she thinks twice about Naomi in any given month. 

I feel from Luna's perspective, Naomi is basically nothing and not worth her time. When Luna see's her she might think "oh yah, that little bitch" but beyond that I don't feel Luna considers Naomi worthy of 'rival' status. I imagine Luna thinking Hannah or other peers more likely to be in the realm of competition. What you see is all there is. 

Naomi is likely to feel a little deeper but she is pretty well sidelined at the moment. There are Naomi adventures happening we don't track directly but since their paths are crossing less and less frequently I can't imagine Naomi sitting around with a Luna dartboard or anything. Doesn't make a lot of sense. 

So, perhaps there is a small competition or WAS a rivalry but at the moment, that is pretty well a cold trail. 

"I've always wondered what was up with Hannah's psychotic behavior in Growth Lab 7"

 Yah, Hannah is pretty different in that story versus nearly all the later ones. I think the deal was I had just started writing her and at the time I didn't have a clear voice on how she should act.

For me it was supposed to be a Hannah versus Naomi story from that point on. Hannah being some Doctor Evil super villain who is chasing Naomi all over the globe. The idea being Hannah is running a secret covert operations group and Naomi is some college kid trying not to get caught. I felt there was a lot of possibility in the idea but my writing style (IF YOU CAN EVEN CALL IT THAT! hahahah) is mostly about letting the characters tell the story. I just go with what is flowing and that particular storyline didn't flow (for me at least). 

After that I kept bringing in what I felt were the logical bits and we ended up where we are now. A lot of times there are only the highest level thoughts about the story. 

I think the only REALLY hard core plotted story was the alternate reality one with all the Growth Lab characters being actors in a Growth Lab story. (I think it's all in Mad Scramble) That story was discussed at length in advance with Ragnarok and myself spit balling ideas. For me, I liked that idea a LOT, really fun concept but I steered away from it just because I felt it was too much of "Hey, everything you know was all a dream".

"I like the female masturbation in the recent pages. Haven't seen that in a while."

I know man!! I have been super negligent on that front. I feel I should post a comic retrospective where I go over the comics and where they are heading. Mostly they are what they have always been which is a string of random growth scenes connected by the barest of plots. 

One thing happening is when I can string together a lot of time to work on them you will see more new stuff like that. That doesn't happen as often as I like but it does happen! This is where I would LOVE to get the help of a comics plotter of co writer to go help clean up all the plot lines and track the things happening. As a comparison, the animation work is pretty carefully tracked and checked each month since it's such a bigger production. 

"Ready why you don't draw female muscle growth woman in your growth lab series? "

A lot of the comics you see today were drawn over two years ago. In fact, I think Bloated was wrapped up in 2017. So what happens is I draw and finish a comic and then put it on ice and just release my 44 pages a month. Depending on how fast I draw that can mean a LOT of pages are sitting around waiting for release. A lot of the newer FMG stuff was only started late this year so we are a ways out from seeing it in the comics. 


That's it for this time around but send in those questions if you have them! I will be glad to answer!

Talk with you soon and have a good one!



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