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OK - this is an interview I did for Mr X-Bash (https://twitter.com/MrXBash) who is making a series of interviews with various creators in the community. I thought you might like a look at what was coming. 

If this kind of stuff interests you - awesome! If not - no worries and still awesome! Some great questions  and it was fun to do!

Check it out below!


1) Why "Ready Art"?
That was a name I picked a long time ago. I didn’t have anything in mind when I chose it, it’s not a reference to a show, a manga or anything like that. Just something that seemed art-related so  I went with it. I do recall I wanted to have a name that wasn’t specific to anything, nothing vivid like “Commander Cock-Strong” or “Bunch O’ Butts”. hahaha

2) How did your adventure with drawing and animation begin? What came first?
I always enjoyed animation and that was my first love. All my drawings were done in the hopes I’d one day do animation. Personally, there are so many sources that inspired me, lots of comics, manga  and anime.
I recall seeing things like the old Thundercats or GI Shows and later things like Cowboy BeBop, Trigun then Naruto. Those are the more mainstream ones but shows like Black Lagoon, Death Note and  tons more were amazing (in both Manga and Anime form).  
I started drawing because I wanted to make my own stories I felt weren’t being told at the time. I think my early ones were about She Hulk or something like that. Oh man, I wish I still had those  around. They are so, so bad but perhaps hilarious to see. Haha
So, animation was really my first love and comic art or drawn pages was second. I feel I think in terms of shots and action and how I would animate things. This does help a lot when I go to work  on my animations.

3) Why did you start to do your animations and drawings?
Well, as I mentioned above, I started to tell my own stories or variations of stories I was interested in. This was when I was growing up and just was getting into comics and cartoons. A lot of  times I would watch shows and think about alternate ideas for superheroes and the like. Mostly those ideas involved big boobs and growth. hahahah! So, I just started drawing my stories and practicing.
I kid you not it can take a long time to improve. One thing to help out those reading and wanting to do their own art or creative endeavor is to just keep going. Don’t give up if it’s hard. In  fact, if it’s hard you are probably doing it the right way since hard is normally the quickest path to success.

4) What inspired you to create some of your characters?
At first, I had no interest in making my own characters. I only wanted to draw other people’s or other companies’ characters. As time went on, I started adding in my own ideas and characters to  things like a “Marvel” story of my own making.
Eventually, I started getting notice from people. My art was being viewed and commented on. At that point I thought about making my own characters so I could have long comic stories and not worry  about copyright strikes or takedown notices. I love drawing things like Marvel or DC or anime characters but I can’t do entire stories about them and sell them for obvious reasons. Making my own ‘universe’ allows me to do entire stories and create things without  the worry about all that.  

5) Do you have your favorite character from any movie, game or other media? If so, why?
Hmm, I guess for sheer inspiration my favorite character would be She Hulk. The reason is she was one of the first characters to inspire me to draw. Her transformations in the early comics were  cool and to this day I still think the early, EARLY She Hulk comics have amazing ‘good girl’ art. Very inspirational stuff and got me drawing!

6) Where do you get sounds for your animations?
All my sounds are licensed from a variety of sound effects companies. I basically pay a flat fee and get to use the sounds for my work under an unrestricted license.

7) What programs do you use for you to create your drawing and animations?
I do all my art; I mean ALL my art in Clip Studio. All animation and drawn art are done in that program. I keep it updated to the latest version. I put together my FINAL animations in a variety  of programs where I compile and add sounds. Generally speaking, Clip Studio is my go-to program. I stopped drawing on paper about 10 years ago when I switched over to Clip (I think it was called Manga Studio then). I also used PaintTool SAI for a hot minute.

8) How does the process of creating an animation and drawing for you look like?
I do about 10-18 minutes of animation a month. That means I spend about three weeks drawing and coloring the animation and about one week laying in the sounds and finalizing the piece. If we are  talking about making ONE comic page that is a LOT less time. Mostly a comic page is determined by the scene or the complexity (how many characters, the background, etc). A lot of times when I draw my own comics, I just blast through pages to get to the fun  part of the transformations. I spend a LOT of time drawing transformations as you might notice. One thing I love drawing is clothes ripping, I cannot tell you how many torn shirts, dresses, pants and underwear I have drawn over the year but I LOVE doing it!

9) How long does it take to create one drawing and one animation?
Related to the above answer – I do one animation a month for the Patreon and that is roughly 10-18 minutes. That’s a LOT of drawing (I do animation at 24 frames per second).
One page can take hours or more depending on what is going on. Commission pages can take a bit longer since there is normally a lot going on I need to pay attention to.

10) Any plans for the future related to your works?
Yes, I’m in the process of adding color to all the animations. Up to this point it was sporadically put in there but I am working to make a full color animation every month!

11) Who or what inspired you to create your art?
So many things! A few listed above already. Lots of American superhero comics, American cartoons, Japanese Manga, Japanese Anime, European and South American artists and comics.

12) Any advice for others who would like to create similar content for yours?
YES, please do your own works if you are inspired. Do not be afraid to share and don’t worry too much about what other people think of your work. Keep at it and keep on going. It is a slow road  but very rewarding once you are moving.

13) Traditional question ... do you like CREAMPIE; D?
There are a couple answers for that depending on the context! hahah

14) Do you have someone you would like to greet or thank for help?
I want to send a HUGE THANK YOU to every single one of my friends and fans who have encouraged and supported me throughout the years. I am talking to the people from the old Yahoo groups, the old  Usenet groups and more. I am also so, so thankful for my site members, deviantArt watchers and of course my Patreons.
I do this because I love doing it but knowing it makes some people happy and they enjoy my work makes all of my art so much more rewarding.
So, THANK YOU again to everyone who checks our and supports my work! I deeply appreciate it. 

-Ready Art


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