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This is a series of posts where I answer questions I get from you inside and outside the Patreon about what the fug is happening in the Growth Lab (and sometimes beyond).  

Quick FAQ

  • Generator: a type of person who can cause growth in others and themselves (Naomi, Benton)
  • Battery: a type of person who can store growth energy (Luna)
  • Mega: a person who will exhibit muscular growth (Hannah)
  • Giga: a person who will exhibit super muscled growth (Karen)
  • Normal: a normal person who grows (Alexander, most of the characters you see)

General Questions (thought you might like to see these)

Is there anything you've done that you'd like more attention on? Anything you want to talk about more with your fanbase?

Well, one thing I really want people to know is I do listen to all the comments and do my best to improve. By that I mean my goal is to bring you (and myself) really great transformation comics and animations. 

When I was coming up there were so few places to get any BE/GTS or FMG work. You really had to scrap around to find even decent images. Now there are so many amazing artists! For me I want to continue to make art for people. I mean, I make this for myself too! haha! I really enjoy doing this! 

As for a particular 'thing' I wish people would check out. I'm pretty happy that people even look at my work at all. It's crazy to think people have been following me for a while and know the ins and outs of the comics. I never expected that! I feel honored to have so many friends and fans! 

Thank you!

What's a fetish you have that you haven't implemented into your content yet? Like, what's some things you like that we wouldn't know from looking at your content right now?

Wow, that is a question I don’t recall ever being asked. Off the top of my head I can’t think of much I haven’t already explored or tried. There was a LOOOOONNNNGGGG time when I had no interest at all in drawing males in the comics since I felt it would distract from the BE/GTS work but eventually I added them in. Also, I think there was the fact I was (and still am) kind of awful at drawing men. Hahahah 

As for other things, I’m pretty bread and butter with my interests. I like the basic breast expansion a lot and I have always leaned a little on the athletic FMG (ala She Hulk). The new demonic add to the Patreon has me excited. I did have some fun with horror-based growth for a while but nearly all those comics were universally not liked so I don’t really do those as much. Still, they are nice to go back to every now and then just to shake things up. 

OK, this isn’t a fetish PER SE but there are story lines I would love to explore at some point but haven’t. One definitely on the list is a fantasy/medieval based setting. I’m talking knights in armor, dragons, the whole thing. Castles, sorceresses, EVERYTHING! I think it could be a lot of fun. Superheroes are another I would like to do more of too. At the moment the GLab universe is very science based and I want to expand it (ala the Marvel or DC universes) to have more variety with the growth sources and types of people! 

Is the next Animation going to be the start of another movie or will it be a standalone project?

The next animation will be a part of a movie. I will aim to keep every animation a 'standalone' thing in the sense of a mini story. There will be an overall plot through all of them (and I mean plot in the loosest of BE/GTS/FMG story sense)

Do you have any plans for another character request poll (whether that would be for an art piece or inclusion in animations)?

Yes, there will be further polls for characters and ideas! No ETA on the timeframe for that at the moment.

Do you have any plans to better advertise your work to more people? I feel like your work is still very unknown publicly. I feel I found you by chance honestly. I’d love to see you get really big.

If you (or anyone) have any suggestions I would love to hear it. I do what I can but I am always open to ideas to help spread the word about my art!

Growth Lab Related

Are you planning any future Growth Lab Remixes or retellings (like how Another Night was a partial retelling or GL6)?

It's a possibility but it just comes down to time and demand. PERSONALLY, I would love to go back to those for fun and redraw and clean up the stories but the reality is that would be a lot of work and I just don't know if there is a lot of demand overall. I should say this - the people that want it REALLY WANT IT. Lately, a lot of work is about the animations so maybe something like an animated version maybe?

Quick question about the new character Colette: Are her human form and demon form different people?

At the moment the idea is her human, demon and "grown" form are all basically the same person.

Other than obviously physical strength, what benefits does a female grower have when grown? Also other than being mentally compromised with sexual desire, what drawbacks does a female grower have when grown?

My head cannon is a grown person is basically a giant invulnerable person as well. You are immune to the vacuum of space and pressure. The could likely be at the bottom of the ocean as well. I think the way I imagine it is they are nearly 100% energy when they are super sized. By that I mean they are not just giant people but more like beings of energy. Mind you this is all MY INTERNAL HEAD CANNON. This is not really explained out loud ever since it is a comic about giant growing women after all.

So yeah, they are super tough and probably have some other energy based powers that are as yet unexplored.

Can a non-generator (example: Luna) be able to generate growth on their own without any other grown beings around?

A non-generator generally can't cause growth. One situation it is possible is something like Luna discharging stored energy though!

Can a Generator be completely drained of their energy if say like Luna decided to drain them dry (like in G-Lab 23) thereby nullifying their ability to generate energy and grow again?

Yes, a total draining of all stored energy in a battery can nullify the ability to cause growth.

Related question, could anybody in general be drained completely of their energy and then they'd never be able to grow again? 

Possible but has never been shown.

Also, once they're completely drained, is the effect permanent and it would be impossible to grow anymore no matter what or would they just have to be exposed to energy again to start the growth back up?

There might be a possibility of this but it has never been shown.

Does a female's skin texture change or stay the same when they become giant? Examples: Warmer, tighter to the touch compared to before growth. 

On the whole the skin texture warms a little but overall stays the same to the touch. I do want to stress that although I don’t talk about it in the comics I view the transformation as some sort of super protection against harm. The actual mechanics aside, when a woman grows she won’t be crushed, smashed, burn or freeze. She can survive in a vacuum and so a bunch of other feats that she normally can’t do . 

Are a female grower's breasts soft or are they firm after they grow or does it depend on the female? 

The depends on the person! 

Do a grower's breasts become heavy with fluid after they grow or again does it depend on the female? 

Depends but GENERALLY SPEAKING the women’s breast fill with a sort of energy that can be dispersed if they get very aroused. 

Are a grower's breasts sensitive or become more sensitive to the touch after they become giant? 

Varies but GENERALLY more sensitive 

Have you ever considered drawing a woman in a business suit before? I've seen military attire(quite often), prom dresses, fancy restaurant attire, restaurant uniforms and casual clothes(almost all apply to Luna), but never a business suit. Luna or any other busty woman would look sexy in one (and then growing out of one soon after). 

I mos-def have MANY comics with that exact outfit. Don’t know the pages off the top of my head but they are in the free section! 

Have you ever thought about having a woman grow at her own wedding or have them grow while being carried across the threshold? 

Hadn’t till now but that is interesting!!



Huge nipple growths and clits with chin growths are so hot! More veins or bulging massive boobs that lengthen like Naomi’s is astonishing and awesome. Please just go crazier with everything!