Unloaded Animation Preview 03 (Patreon)
2019-09-04 08:20:32
2019-09-04 08:20:55
Karen is having a classic hulk out moment! More to come in the final animation too!
The September Animation – Unloaded
Expect previews all the way up to the release of the final MP$ with music, VFX, dialog and SFX! Final animation will be up Sunday, September 29th!
We will have lots of growth, BE, GTS, FMG and a LOT more – read on for details! From the VOTES OF THE ANIMATION TIER and my own adds we have:
- BE animations (of course)
- FMG Animations (for SURE, this was a huge vote getter for the Animation Tier)
- Large/Thicc thighs when grown - dis-proportionally THICK! (FMG or GTS)
- Curvy Hour glass growth, you like your women with curvy shapes all over
- Lots of Pleasurable Growth (enjoys the process of BE, GTS or FMG)
- Some strained growth also (resists the process of BE, GTS or FMG)
- Growth out of underwear of all sorts
- FMG, basic and large muscle growth (body builders, female gymnasts, etc)
- HYPER/GIGA FMG - bigger and ridiculously large muscled women!
- Butt expansion, rear end shots and growth
Also getting votes were these which I will look to mix in!!
- FMG growth with veins on the muscles
- Expansion shots of the stomach/abdominal region (BE, GTS or FMG)
- Back growth (FMG or GTS)
- Calf/Leg Growth (FMG)
- Footwear ripping open, all styles of shoes (and socks too)
There’s more of course but those are high on the list! I will be mixing in my own picks of course!