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Hello and thank you to all my new and returning patrons! Lots going on so let's get started!

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State of the Union, the future and how YOU count in the Patreon (hint: A LOT!)

I got a letter from a longtime support about where things are going and what I see as the future for the Patreon. It covers a lot of ground but the main thing I want to stress is this

YOU MATTER and your comments help. I don't do things lightly here and the main goal is to maximize our fun and entertainment! That said, this person has some questions about things like futa and where I see the direction of the Patreon. Let's see my answer shall we?

[my reply below about the matter, I won't be posting their letter or name since I don't want to single any person out]

First of all – thank you for the letter and the direct thoughts.

Let’s settle a one thing right away. There are currently no plans to add Futa to animations. Does that mean it will never happen? I don’t know but if the current polls are any indication, it is not likely to show up anytime soon. I don’t really know what else to say about that subject. I was looking for a much higher majority (60% “like” minimum and ideally much higher) before I tackled anything like that and at the moment, we do not have it. Can things change? Well, anything can change and I would be foolish to lock this in stone especially if we are just talking possibilities. Obviously BE/GTS and FMG will be around since they are pretty fun and very popular!

I have been thinking a lot about the Patreon and we can do with it to make the most people happy and bring enjoyable stuff to everyone. There is a possibility to break the animations up into segments that have the various parts (BE/GTS etc.) and just focus segments on specific things so people can have what they like. There are actually tons and tons of possibilities but the deal at the moment is it’s just me and I need to move and act in ways that maximize my time working on the Patreon. At the moment I don’t have the time for a lot of various cuts of the animations or setting up tiers to deal with various likes. It’s not impossible o undoable, it’s simply not practical at the moment and things may change soon. We are left with a conglomeration of the various fetishes put in the main animation. 

As for the BE/GTS, I thank you again for the longtime support. I work hard to bring this into every animation and more. As I have said though – my BE work, despite my ardent fanbase, has never directly translated into a lot of money. Without any sort of financial support, I cannot make animations at all, of any kind. It’s not worth my time. The comics are a great example, I sold them and was hoping to use that as a way to generate income and it was basically a no-go. People just weren’t willing to pay for basic BE/GTS comics by me even when I was doing the very high-quality ones. That’s not good or bad, it’s just a fact. 

You’re not powerless in our relationship either. I’ve heard your concerns and they have been addressed as reasonably as I can. The FMG crowd is part of the Patreon and they are a large part of the support here. Again, that is not good or bad, that is a fact. As for things like Futa or other major changes I am always asking the Patreon about what they like. 

One thing I want to address and be clear about is the thought the BE/GTS crowd is somehow getting ‘less’ than before. I started doing monthly animations a while back. That is, I started taking a month to releases a single longform animation. Since that time the amount of animation work has over doubled! Over. Doubled. Sometimes tripled or quadrupled. If people were happy back when they were getting an animation a week those same people are effectively getting more BE animation even with the FMG and other items added. I have doubled down on my workload in advance of hitting our next goal to bring YOU and the rest of the Patreon more of the things you all want. I know this because I track all the animations very, very clearly and I make notes of the various times I use ‘fan favorites’ when I make the segments. I work to keep the numbers split up according to my own tastes as well as the tastes of the Patreon majority.  

I want to be clear here – we have not hit our next Patreon goal. I’m not full time on the animations but I am putting in 140-200 hours a month because I want to do the best job I can. I could have waited till the next goal but I did not. I want to stress I’m still working another full-time job that has nothing to do with my work here. I don’t say that to garner pity, I just want you to know I care deeply about the patrons here and I want to deliver in spades.

In the end every, single person here is a friend first and a fan and support next. I treat everyone like I hope to be treated if I was supporting a creator. I want to give YOU the experience I didn’t have when I was coming up 10,000 years ago. There was nothing like Patreon back then and frankly, it sucked!! Haha I love that we can connect creators and fans so easily now. 

So thank you again for your support and I will read you letter again and probably a few times over the next month as I consider the NEXT BIG thing we will be doing! I think there are some possible things in here I can act on but I will have to think over them.  As always – thank you so much and I appreciate the support! 

I’m certain a bit of the above might have gone off script but the TL;DR version is “I listen to you and I care. I will always do my best for you and the Patreon!”

Send letters anytime! I’m here for you!





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