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This is just a  QUICK followup to the Futa poll from earlier today. 

Poll here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/29105994 

A quick look at the poll shows futa is not a clear winner. I realize not everyone is weighing in at this point and things can swing a bit in either direction but the general vibe I get is people who don't like futa REALLY don't like it. Which, to be fair, is a completely valid opinion. 

Right off the bat this means there is probably no futa in the near term. Certainly no REGULAR futa added to animations. 

The deal here is I want to add things a lot of people will enjoy and I got a few questions about futa from various friends and fans so there you go.

"But Ready, what about down the line or maybe a SEPARATE Tier or something like that?"

That is a possibility we can talk about for sure. It may be the best way to be honest. Still the main thing is we are talking about my time and how best to use it. As we get closer to the next Patreon goal I want to make sure I am putting my time into things a lot of people will enjoy. 

Splitting my time with various video edits or special tiers isn't impossible but it might be impractical time-wise. Again, there just me making all this so I have to consider things like how to best work and get YOU the highest quality product.

Closing thoughts

I'll keep watching the poll and giving what feedback I can. I did want to thank all those who commented or replied already. VERY HELPFUL information. 

I know most people are probably content to come, download the movies and enjoy the art. It's a BIG DEAL to comment and voice and opinion, especially if you think it might be unpopular or against the majority. I appreciate everyone who replied and even if you didn't reply or comment - I'M GLAD YOU ARE HERE!

Thank you again and talk with you soon! 

Comments or questions - always welcome!




And, what about cutting the futa scene for the ones who don't like it? 🤔 Like what you did for the male growth in The Interrogation animation (which was interesting too, there's male in comics so why not in animations 🤷‍♀️) Another thing I would do is creating a poll on DA you may get answer from more people, and even get new patreon if people like it 😊 but you need to be a core member to make a poll 🤔


OK - there is a little bit to unpack here. Let's start with the alt version thing you mention. Well, my answer is in the very post above "Splitting my time with various video edits or special tiers isn't impossible but it might be impractical time-wise." I spoke about this at length after I did the Interrogation too. I just don't think it's the best use of my time to work on alternate cuts unless it's going to really be a huge return on my time. Things like all female cuts, all futa cuts, etc all take time away from animation and production of other things. It's possible but not practical at the moment. Things may change of course! A poll on DA? Interesting idea but I'm not a core member and the point of this poll was to talk with people INSIDE the Patreon, current patrons who are in the animation tier. I might go outside to test the waters but my first priority was to talk with you and the others. Thank you for the thoughts!


It doesn't have to be a lot of animation (I guess) it could be just a new lady that react differently to the growth "ray" she can react by having BE and clit growth (which is basiclly what futa is) What I mean is that it don't have to affect every lady, I even think it would be better if it affect only one person (yet ^^) and a new one would be better, as everybody seems to react differently to the growth process, it could be a new discovery :) Anyway, you're the boss, so you decide, it was just my opinion about the idea, but I think it's an interesting subject and it would be bad to miss it, or at least not give it a try


Yep, that's all a possibility and I certainly am willing to consider that and other ideas. I also completely understand there are a LOT of ways to do it and it doesn't need to be every woman affected. As for what will happen, we will see! It's probably not going into regular rotation anytime soon but that doesn't mean it's entirely off the table. I just want to make sure expectation are clear - I tend to work on things that are a) in my personal wheelhouse or b) entertain the majority of the patrons. The c) on that list would be me dropping in nods to various fetishes and the like that might not get center stage all the time. Thank you again!