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Quick Update https://www.patreon.com/posts/29122969 


OK, I get messages about this in the comments, in mail and via direct messages. Basically "Have you considered drawing futa characters?" That said, I wanted to put out a poll to test the waters about having a character or characters added to the animation roundup with that characteristic. 

I don't have all the details figured out. I don't know if this might be someone totally new (most likely) or an old character with a new trait (maybe?). Regardless, there are options below for voting. 


SOME NOTES! (Read this)

  • Breast expansion FMG, GTS or any other focus will remain! 
  • None of the core targets of our monthly animations will be replaced with this add! This is an ADD to what we have.
  • This poll is mostly to see what YOU think! It's not a final decision on this.
  • I want YOUR INPUT!

Now go vote for one of the below and comment as you like!



Louis Thomas

What kind of futa scenes did you have in mind (solo masturbation, futa x regular female sex, futa on futa, futa on male)?


This would be under categories of kinks that many may like but is the 'special' kind.


Oh no D:


Well, I do get asked quite a bit about this and feel it will need to be addressed in some form. I feel it's gotten to the point of at least asking.


Well, let's not get into the nitty gritty before the basics have been sorted. I think I pretty clearly state above "I don't have all the details figured out". As I said - this is curiosity poll as much as anything.

Kirk Allwein

I'd certainly be down for seeing what you'd do with it if it gets enough positive votes :o


Thanks! No matter what this is something I want to run by the Animation Tier. As I said - it's not really my personal thing BUT that was exactly the case with the FMG which did bring in a lot of new friends and fans.


Duly noted and appreciate the comment and your support. Like I said, it comes up enough that I was curious about how you felt.. and now I know! Thank you! Also, this poll is not a "full speed ahead" thing for futa or anything else, as I mentioned above, this was to test the waters.


It could be interesting to have futa 🤔 maybe something like a futa tf, I mean before the tf the subject is a normal lady 🤔 I think it worth a try 😊 I'm a bit upset by all the people screaming no to it because it's "not their thing", FMG is not my thing, slight FMG can be interesting but hyper FMG with muscles on muscles and veins, it's really not my thing, but it's not the only thing we can see on the animation so it's ok, so it can be the same for futa, people would like it, other won't, but it's only a part of the animation, not the only thing we are going to see, so it's not a big deal


Thanks for the reply and I do actually get the people who don't like it. I used to be in the camp of "100% no fmg" it was just not anything I liked. I avoided it and didn't look for it. That changed but it took a while. I also get that not everyone can or will like futa. It's OK to have an opinion about it and even hate it to some degree. It's just an opinion and that's what I am asking for. Still. Thank you for the reply!


FMG is fine to me, not my favorite but it's ok, it's just the extreme FMG that I really dislike (to not say "hate") so it's kinda the same problem, it's impossible to have a perfect animation that everybody will love, there's so many differents kinks and fetishes, but a little bit of everything could be interesting :)


I'm a futa fan but I have to admit it is very divisive. If you did do it, I think it would be best if it was in its own isolated projects rather than as part of your mainline animation series.

Ryan Kidas

I agree I would like to see futa but it should probably be it's own thing to avoid upsetting those who dont. Looking at the poll, there are a lot of people who dont like it

Rafael Aleixo

You could upload a futa version and a non-futa of the same animation. So we can choose which one we want to see...


I’m a fan of well-done futa animation, which I have no doubt you could accomplish, but it IS a very divisive thing. If the majority decide against it, I would be ok with that.


@Ryan Kidas - totally, I'm looking at the poll too! Doesn't look like a clear winner at all.


It's possible but then it is all down to horsepower (on my end) versus results (in terms of popularity. If I can add some other things that more people would enjoy that might be better than splintering the main group. Still, thank you for the thought! It's solid!


@swtorjedi32 - Appreciate it and I will be making a quick followup post about it soon! Thank you for weighing in.


Looks like it’s half and half so far, so I’m fine holding the L, maybe stand-alone images or gifs would be easier and able to be segregated more to the audience that likes it. That said, I’m glad it was given a fair trial! When I get my money right I’ll just commission it.


Appreciate it. Don't know if you are checking out the Discord but a quick repost from my answer there. "the general thought I have is that we are seeing a split of 40% or so like the idea and the other 60% are either not for it or 'meh' on it. Not saying that is a wash but when it comes to big movements in the Patreon I tend to bet on clear winners. Something like 60% liking it and the rest are not fans or meh is more what I would act on."


"It's totally worth it for people to weigh in REGARDLESS of liking or hating it. There is always a chance for a little bonus thing here or there in the animations. Even if things don't get into regular rotation I try to add in fun things for some of the more esoteric requests."


yah think people would rather see Futa action instead of man dick growth action that was in the Interrogation episode. Oh well, it is what it is. Some of the comments have a point though. about it being a separate project although I still would like to see in this episode either way.


New character huh? I thought it made sense to have the virus evolve or something. Which explains why Karen went from GTS to GTS+FMG.


I would say not my bag. However I would think most could agree. That if Futa replaced all males then most would be down. Still not sure why you include male growth or males at all. As it does not seem to be your demo, or a focal point for the story.


Totally agree. The idea situation will bring a lot of entertainment to the most people.


It does seem like a separate thing might be best if this was to be something regular. At the moment though, the poll was mostly to gauge interest versus announce a new change to the Patreon.


It's possible but I wouldn't want to speak for all the patrons here. I don't know or assume that all would be OK with futa versus males. It's possible but I surmise there are a few who might not be excited about any male oriented stuff. As for adding males in general to the animations they have been in the GLab comics for a while so it's not unprecedented. Also, their roles have been diminished a bit in the animations with mostly small appearances. I don't really consider them as stealing any spotlight from all the female transformations but your mileage may vary and that is OK!


You're quickly becoming my favorite artist on this site. I love how you're willing to branch into new territory. I'm excited to see how you would handle futa transformation and growth.


Appreciate it. I am working hard to bring you and all my friends and fans the best I can. I do not mind trying new things out! I know when I was looking for artists that I liked I appreciated the ones willing to do new things and listen to their fans. Thank you again for your support! I do appreciate it!