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OK, I think this one was a lot of fun. Lots of classic BE and lots of FMG to boot. Had a ton of fun drawing and scripting this one and am ALREADY working on your next one. 

Check this out and see what you think. 

MUCH MORE TO COME and thank you so much for your support!

- Ready

**FULL CLIP WITH SOUND IS ATTACHED TO THIS POST - you will have to download it onto your computer as Patreon doesn't let me live preview it** 
You have to grab the attachment, download and view it locally. Patreon won't allow video previews unless I host offsite which kind of defeats the purpose of a Patreon reward. 
Animations Summary (from prior post)
Because of YOU we have these things! Thank you for your support and I want to work on bringing along more animations with sound, effects, music and perhaps voice work!




This was superb Ready. I say this as an avid BE fan and someone who's been following you for 6 years; the muscle growth scenes were some of the hottest stuff you've ever done. The boobs and butts were pretty good too! One thing that would be cool that I don't think you've ever done would be some kind of giga bottom-heavy girl. You do ass expansion, hourglass, and giga boobs, but there's never been giga booty. I'm sure you're full of other ideas already but just something else to throw on the pile, would be cool!


Thank you so much! I Appreciate the ideas and the comment! I will mos-def look into it! As for the future I will always be looking to YOUR votes and suggestions for ideas! We will be starting a new movie up in September after this one wraps up. I have some fun ideas for the August animation and I will be putting in as many of your ideas as I can too!


This was just amazing, the sound effects, the grunting, lowering of the voice, the massive ripples of boobs and butt, and multiple muscle effects, throbbing. I absolutely want more, and hope you keep going. You're growing so much as an artist and animator, and I love what you're doing with it. My hope is this inspires you to keep pushing yourself for more. <3


Thank you so much. What's inspiring me is not only the art but the support from friend and fans like yourself. It took me a LONG time to come around to doing animation. Mostly it was something I felt might not resonate with people. I am so happy others are enjoying the art! For myself, I LOVE doing transformation animation! Thank you again for the support!