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First - some housekeeping! Get your rewards and more!

GET YOUR PATREON REWARDS! https://www.patreon.com/posts/26342996 

Patreon Terms https://www.patreon.com/posts/23771170 

What I mean by "Sunday Night" https://www.patreon.com/posts/25741680 

Comics FAQ https://www.patreon.com/posts/25075487 

Patreon Animation Subject matter, your VOTES and MORE!

So I was asked a question I get asked off and on since we started the Patreon. Specifically about the subject matter of animations (and comics). My answer about our subject matter is below but the SHORT version is this.

The polls here will are what I use to guide the content of the Patreon animations. If you are on the animation tier YOU NEED TO VOTE. Do NOT pass by those chances to weigh in on what I will be drawing. I take YOUR highest vote getters and I work to do those PLUS my own story bits. I will always be adding in my 'things' to make the animations work in my Growth Lab Universe but the main deal is this - YOUR VOTE MATTERS A LOT! 

SO VOTE when you see those polls!

OK, that said - my reply is below. 

I have realized on my end is there are MANY supporters of my original BE/GTS comics. MANY, MANY , many! The thing though is there wasn't a lot of monetary support when I was only doing BE/GTS comics and animation. When I added in FMG I got a lot more people interested in supporting the animations and the Patreon. 

I'm not all about money but I can't make 10-16 minute animations each month unless there is some sort of way it financially makes sense. Animations take a lot of time and it's on the order of 140-190 hours minimum each month (and many months it is more hours than that!) to make these animations. That's all the art, the production, the sound added, the dialog written and added, etc. I'm not saying that for sympathy but just stating a fact. Because of that I want to make sure I'm hitting the requests of the majority in every animation. Doesn't mean the majority gets EVERYTHING but it does mean I respect the fact they are paying the majority of the 'bills' when it comes to the animations. On top of all this, I have ANOTHER job too!

I know that might sound very pragmatic versus artistic but I gave away my comics for over 20 years. When I finally asked for donations they were pretty small (and I was still VERY thankful). Only when I started doing animations (then the FMG animations) did things take a swing up. Again - that's not a slam on the old time fans of straight BE/GTS. 

So yah, I know there are probably a few people who would rather I just do BE/GTS (and have no males) but the polls and the feedback indicate this is not what the majority are here for. That is OK too! I feel those people! I LOVE BE, I love GTS and I want to keep those in all the animations. I am grateful the current Patreons are enjoying the balance we have now!

So thank you for the support. It means a lot to me and I am happy you are here. I will always do my best to make as MANY people happy as I can within reason! Haha

Talk with you soon since I am back to work on your animations!



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