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OK, I am all about getting you more of what you want so....... let's hear WHAT YOU LIKE!

No pressure on your end but do you have a favorite moment from the recent (or any) of the animations on the Patreon? What I am looking for is cut or scene where you said - "That was pretty nice!" 

Maybe it was a FMG scene? A BE scene? Some nice clothes ripping!?!? Maybe you liked the animation of the van in the Road Drive animation. It can be ANYTHING really.

I'm just looking for transformation scenes you might have especially liked but if there are other things you enjoy for any reason then I would like to hear about it. This isn't me asking about what you want to see MORE of or what you DON'T LIKE! It's me saying "Point out something we already have that you like!" hahah.

This is a curiosity question more than anything. 

Post here, message or mail me with any thoughts you have. 

Thank you again for your support in the Animation Tier! I appreciate your help!





In the latest animation, that outward shot of Luna in space where it starts at her face and pans away to reveal her true growing size was awesome.


I like scenes with the mega hourglass giantess and love to see them interacting with each other or the environment to show scale. Crushing buildings breaking out of buildings, looming over people, that kind of stuff. Have a giantess tit crush something!


I enjoy the first stages of growth; when the swelling begins, then the clothing stretches and begins to let go.

BluEthunder Studio

I agree with Kevin. I love the slow early growth when jeans, shirts and shoes begin to bulge and groan. Maybe it would be sweet if in a coming animation we see one or more girls have a slow growth moment, maybe over the course of an uninterrupted minute. Seams split slightly as clothes bulge with fat and muscles, but hold on slowly as the straining sounds and moans continue. Slowly but surely our ladies get bigger causing all of their garments to be destroyed, but alot at the moment clothes start to strain and then have all gone in a matter of seconds. I liked the recent bit with the lady in the bus on the seat as her clothes burst more slowly. Yum yummy


My favorite scenes are the extremes in muscle growth and size, with the arms, calves, feet, faces blowing out of proportion. I love the super mega tits and hope you blow out nipples and other sizes and beyond! I adore the freakiness of it!!


I totally agree with you :) Something like Hannah animation where there's only her, and we see the sleeves of her shirt rip, next few buttons pop, her pants start to rip at the seams and the zipper break exposing her lovely flower panties, and it continues like this little by little :)


I totally agree with Kevin and Blue, Personally I have many scene I like, but my favorite is definitly the clothes ripping during Hannah's single animation, it happens slowly, the seams start to stretch and rip, some buttons pop, the pants rip is so great in my opinion :) I also lover the breasts growth during Luna's animation, the button's pop and the bra trying its best to hold those giant breasts was amazing. I also liked Naomi's growth during "the interrogation", it happens a bit too quickly but it's really enjoyable :) On the road drive animation I think I loved almost every clothes ripping scene, but especially Trisha's :) even if I'm so sad she wasn't wearing a bra :P And for the last animation, the Glab Trailer, I loved Rebecca breasts growth, About Naomi's growth were amazing when the camera goes down to her shorts and we see it getting smaller, even giving her a cametoe before ripping (so sad we don't see her adorable panties in more than one frame, yes, I was watching this scene frame by frame :P) Luna's growth from toes to head was really nice and well done And finally the scene at 7:02, I think it was Karen, when we see her belly button (and her lovely patch of hairs :P) the ab growth is really amazing :)


Yes! It's pretty fun to draw those scenes! So glad you like them and we will likely see more giga growth and large muscles!


Thanks Kevin, that first bit is nice I agree. Appreciate the input and your support!


Yep, I think the interaction is such an easy win. It helps sell the scale of the action! Thank you for the answer and your support!


I miss the lactation after the breast expansion


OHHHHHHHH!!! A good one! I think we can take care of that one in the June animation (I was planning something like it already!!!)