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This is a series of posts where I answer questions I get from you inside and outside the Patreon about what the fug is happening in the Growth Lab. 

Here we go again! 

Surviving in adverse conditions like Space and other hostile environments - the magic of growth!

I know it's probably not a huge deal when it comes to big boobs and giga BE/GTS/FMG but there is some in universe logic about large people naked in space.

Let's start with the first reason it works - cause it's COOL and that's what I like to draw - huge boobs against the scale of other large objects. hahaha

OK - that's out of the way. The in universe look at this goes back to the original reason for the growth. The growth is the side effect of a super soldier experiment gone wrong and one of the new benefits of the growth is you're pretty well immune to a lot of things that would harm a regular person. 

People are safe - People who grow don't get crushed inside buildings, they are able to survive without food or water. Though they may WANT to eat or drink they don't technically need it. I think in one or two of the comics they have even survived entering Earth's atmosphere from space as a sort of comet and landed successfully. 

There haven't been any people who could fly or do anything along the lines of heat vision or other superhero type things though that might be down the line. 

Related to the energy - something I have in my head is the greater the amount of protection the growth is affording a person the quicker they will 'burn through' the energy and return to a normal size. I would like to immediately stress no one will just 'run out' of growth energy and be hurt in space. Most likely the person would be protected or knocked out (and safe) until they could return to the normal size. 

A Battery Charge? - I have said it in the comics a lot I view the growth as an energy source. People who are grown might even to be said to be using that energy to power their activities. This would make some of the people who can self generate the energy (Naomi and her family) able to grow to a much larger size than normal people. 

This would also give a reason for people tiring out and reverting back to normal without any need for a sexual release (which tends to be the in universe norm for returning to a normal state). 

How do people talk with each other IN SPACE - haven't reasoned this one out in the comics but a quick thought is there is some kind of low level telepathy going on. Clearly without any air there can't be regular talking but maybe there is some sort of energy communication that duplicates the process. Again, we are basically explaining something that might not need any explanation in a comic like the Growth Lab but that's what this post is about!

The Time line setting of the GLab Universe (from a previous post) -   I'm doing a bit of a sliding thing with the timelines of the GLab. Mostly I would say it's set in a present day 'alternate universe' to ours. Something similar to the present day DC or Marvel mainline comic book universes. So, 2019. I would also add I  am applying the 'slow aging' logic that happens in comics and media where main characters kind of stay the same in age. By that I mean I wouldn't make them age lockstep with the passing years. Luna, Naomi and the rest have probably been the same 'age' for 5-6 years now along with many of the main characters.  

More to come and I hope you enjoyed this look 'Inside the GLab Universe!'

Thank you again for your support!



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