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Hello all new and returning friends and fans! Thank you so much for your support!

Once again - thank you so much for your support!

We are adding new friends all the time and it's a great thing to see people are enjoying the work! This is a team effort and YOU ARE HELPING! Thank you!

History of the Growth Lab is Starting up!

Ok, you seem to want to know more about the Growth Lab so I will do my best to give YOU the history you are asking for. Let's get rolling with a quick refresher which you MIGHT HAVE ALREADY READ!

 Ready Art Explains the Growth Lab - Episode 001 


 Ready Art Explains the Growth Lab - Episode 002


 Ready Art Explains the Growth Lab - Episode 003 


I'm going to continue from there but if you have any questions about the characters, the universe and why things are the way they are then ASK BELOW!!!

I do my best to at least make 'movie logic' and pull ideas together but still there are more than a few stumbles which make no sense I'm certain. One thing I found is having this loose narrative has helped me SO MUCH over the years. At first it was just growth scenes and though you might (somewhat rightly) argue is that is STILL happening I'd like to think there is some basic through line.

So - ask away and if there aren't any questions I will continue with things I think you might enjoy hearing about!

Heading into the next to last weekend for the May Animation

YES! We are getting there and the animation work is progressing nicely! There will be more animation previews coming this weekend and I will be wrapping everything up throughout next week. I am VERY excited to bring this next animation to you. Lots of fun transformations and should be a great intro for the GLab movie!

New Poll coming this weekend for the April Animation

Next month we continue where the April animation left off. The story will pick up from there and THE ANIMATION TIER WILL BE VOTING on transformations to showcase. Get ready!

Back to the drawing tablet!

Thank you!



Louis Thomas

Is there a timeline in place with the GL universe (like what years they take place in)?


Yes, I'm doing a bit of a sliding thing with the timelines of the GLab. Mostly I would say it's set in a present day 'alternate universe' to ours. Something similar to the present day DC or Marvel mainline comic book universes. So, 2019. I would also add I am applying the 'slow aging' logic that happens in comics and media where main characters kind of stay the same in age. By that I mean I wouldn't make them age lockstep with the passing years. Luna has probably been the same 'age' for 5-6 years now along with many of the main characters.