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I was asking about this earlier but wanted to get a read of the room with everyone. 

Would you be interested in a WIKI or write up about the Growth Lab Universe? 

Things like:

  • Character write ups
  • Locations and events
  • Timelines
  • General lore

I don't have a solid idea of EXACTLY what I would do if you are interested. I do imagine starting with something like character write ups or the like. 

Check out the poll below and vote. No pressure and you won't be held to anything if you say yes or no. I'm mostly curious. If people ARE interested I will look at continuing write ups I started a while back. If not, I might still do little bits here and there. 

One thing though - this is all supplemental to the animations and comics coming out. In other words - this is bonus work and will not cut into my time spent on core Patreon stuff.

Thank you again and drop a vote if you would!

Poll ends next week!





Ho that would be very interesting 😊


Awesome! 😊