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Quick update about the coming month here on the Patreon

First and most importantly, thank you for your support. I feel I can't say this enough so I will continue to show YOU my appreciation as often as I can.


BE/GTS/FMG Movie coming - sooner than you think!

You know what? We will be getting an BE/GTS/FMG movie (of sorts) SOONER than you think. Read on!

As you might have noticed we're ALREADY working on a BE/GTS/FMG movie. The last few animations can be strung into one larger animation. How long till this particular animation is done? Good question, I am thinking we aim for 30-60 minutes and we are well on the way to doing that. I think (and I may be wrong) we are about 10-15 minutes in (maybe more?). Regardless, we are jamming!

I know we spoke about things like voice acting, color and more and that is still in the works as a long term goal. The idea is we get rolling with what we have right now instead of waiting for months to dive into a feature length movie. I feel there is a lot to learn and why not get experience and take a swing at doing something special for YOU!

So, what's next?

We've spoken about the previews and how they are helping to spread the word about the work. Previews are bringing in many new people which is GREAT. Which brings me to an idea I had for next month to get YOU an AWESOME new animation.

The Growth Lab Intro Trailer

Here's what the idea is for next month and YES this will count as part of the movie. I will be creating an 'opening' animation for the Growth Lab movie. 

What I am thinking is I make a LONG animation like I normally do. A SUPER LONG intro and then edit THAT to a one-minute trailer for the public. 

The Animation Tier would get both versions in high resolution of course! 

Here's the part I think you might like the most. For this to be a really nice trailer I would want to have samples of all the fun types of growth one could expect. Basically, work to make this animation a great example what to expect here.

I will set up poll for the Animation Tier. In that poll I will get the neat and favorite things they want to see in an animation. For those that don’t already know we have been doing this EXACT thing every month in that tier! 

At any rate, I will run the poll starting this weekend and let it go till next weekend. With those results I will begin working on what will amount to the animated intro to the Growth Lab movie. The idea in this animation will be to give an overview of not only the GLab setting but much more importantly the types of growth and crazy transformations one can expect! 


  • Thank you so much for your support!
  • The animation for next month (May) will be special! It will be an intro-type sequence for a Growth Lab animated movie. The part which may interest you the most is I will do my best to make it a lot of fun with lots of transformations.
  • There will be TWO versions of next month's animation for the Animation Tier. A regular long version animation that will contain all the animations of May in one long animation. There will also be a short one minute-ish trailer version for the public to view. 
  • A poll will be started this weekend with the animation tier to help focus the kinds of animations YOU WANT TO SEE IN MAY!
  • There is ALREADY AN ANIMATED movie for my work underway. I anticipate the final will be created over several more months (more on that later). When I have roughly 30-60 minutes of footage we will have the 'final'!
  • The current animated storyline will continue after the May intro animation

OK - that is about it for the moment. Look for more animated previews coming throughout the weekend and next week as we lead towards the next FULL animation release on the 28th!

If you have any questions for you can can always comment here or mail me at granitelog(at)hotmail(dot)com

Thank you!



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