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Hey all and thank you so much for your support here on the Patreon and elsewhere. I want to first say BIG THANKS to all the new and the returning patrons. I deeply and truly appreciate you putting down your hard earned ducats towards the goal of BE/GTS/FMG and a lot more.

Progress on the upcoming animation

It's jamming along quite well and I am hoping to get ahead of of my schedule to bring you EXTRA cuts and additional transformation scenes. I have been working every night and all my weekends since April month started. 

I've said it before but I LOVE doing animation. I hardly feel like I am working as I sit here drawing a transformation scene. It's a privilege really to be doing something you love and that is why I appreciate YOUR HELP in this scenario. I can't work like this without your support! YOU ARE PART OF THIS TEAM TOO!

So thank you again!

A movie maybe sooner than you think

I believe I will be able to take this animation and bundle it with a few more and create perhaps an animated short. It's not the most idea situation but it is something I thought about as we started going with longer animations. I have been stringing the narratives together over the last few animations and at some point, believe it or not - we will have about 30-50 minutes of animation. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!

That might not be as far away as you think and I will keep you posted if I see it close on the horizon. 

Some new ways to get the animations

For the animation tier I am looking at putting the animations on my main site as downloads. This would be something like a special page for patrons to go and select animations they want to download. Of course all the animations are here already but this would be another place to get things. With the animations there we might get some other neat possibilities with but I will save that for a later update!

Getting more of what you want in the animations and comics

OK, something that comes up many MANY times each month is people wanting to see more of the transformations, comics, animations, sequences, types and preferences THEY LIKE. Who can blame anyone for that!!?!? I want more of what I like too!

What I am referring to specifically is how to tailor your feedback in a way that is far more likely to get a response you will like. Let's cover a few things right off.

Definitely jump in when I ask for suggestions or feedback or have polls. If you are on a tier or on the main site or somewhere and you see me asking about what you would like to see more of they GET ON IN THERE. That is a guaranteed moment I will be CAREFULLY LOOKING at all the feedback. If you see it, it's worth you jumping in if you can or want to!

If you have an idea or suggestion at any time - CONTACT ME. Don't sit around and wait till someone else brings it up. Mail me DIRECTLY for the best results granitelog(at)hotmail(dot)com

Positive reinforcement v negative reinforcement. Generally speaking you are far far FAR better telling me exactly what you DO want versus explaining what you don't like or don't want. I know this might be a weird thing to say but saying something like "I don't like hair growth" isn't nearly as helpful as saying "I love FMG". Tell me what you want! 

Don't wait until you are seeing final animations or at the end of your rope either! Drop me a line anytime and I will be there for you. I can't guarantee I will appease everyone's wishes but the more information I have on what people want to see the more informed my decisions are as I make these animations. Trust me, I have been doing this for a while and I have seen the difference between negative and positive feedback over years. Positive most definitely gets more results.

OK - back to animations and if you have any comments or questions, please drop me a line!




More female and male FMG and sex scenes in animations.


This is for down the road, but with summer approaching, how about for the month of June you go for a beach-themed animation? Girls growing out of bathing suits might make for an interesting change of pace.


That's a great idea. I wrote it down for a future poll! Thank you!


This may come off as a weird request, but I was wondering, I'd there's anyway that you could optimize and reduce file size if your animations. They are taking up quite a bit.


Hmmm, I'd have to think about that one. One thing I do want to get everyone is the BEST possible work and any compression will involve a possible degradation of the image quality. There is a pass on the work currently to optimize but I will look into it again. Regardless, the main goal is to get you and the patrons the highest quality work. Thank you for the question!


Well, one suggestion I have for art: Gender Bender transformation. In the sense that you have men turning into women and then growing. All while having their clothes destroyed throughout the process.


That's a possibility for sure. I had it in a poll a while back and it didn't get a lot of traction as I recall. Also, it's not something I tend to draw or favor (especially if you look at my history of art). Still I will keep it in mind for a possibly future poll and appreciate your support and suggestions! Thank you!