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 Contest over - results will go up soon! 

First read this post for context:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/quick-update-and-25862514 


Let' START with suggestions and then I will create a poll for the Animation Tier. I know we lost a few days with the contest idea but I will do my best to make this a quick turnaround!

This is you suggesting a BE/GTS scenario (or the like) for me to draw into the April animation. This will likely be ONE CUT (think along the lines of a butt growing shot with lace panties or a foot growing shot out of cowboy boots). 

  • Put your suggestion in the COMMENTS or MESSAGE ME HERE! I will create a poll from it once we collect ideas!
  • Deadline this SUNDAY NIGHT!
  • You are not picking the character only the scenario. I will work it into the animation
  • You can be detailed in your suggestion but I reserve the right to edit any suggestion for do ability within the April deadline. 
  • The winner should be thinking in terms of a 'shot' versus a sequence of events
  • There are off limit suggestions so keeping within the my published work is a safe bet.
  • Again, I won't be needing a 15 page breakdown of an idea, think of a simple event you might like to see (hair growth, arm getting muscled, a watch snapping off a wrist, growth in a phone booth, growth out of a business suit, etc). 
  • Mostly, we are talking about a little fun thing you personally would like to see!
  • If you enter and win I will message you. If you don't reply within one day I will draw again and move on.
  • There's probably some other disclaimers but we can hash it out once a winner is picked.
  • This is NOT a commission level work, it's possible I will have to interpret your idea into the April animation so it works with the whole production.
  • This is about having FUN so let's keep all discussion fun and light hearted.  

Let's look at this as a trail run to see how it goes. If this is popular and fun and has a nice result then expect more. If this doesn't work out we will try other ideas!

Quick note, yes we had to redo the way this works but in the end it will be a lot less random and you will be in on the whole process. 

Comments or questions welcome and thank you for your support!




Again I always come in with plans I think may be too grand, but want to put them out there anyways, if I had won the lottery I was going to suggest a shot where a woman was growing taller, perhaps before the hourglass swelling had set in and another woman watching in the background was super happy and excited to see it happen. Either grinning, or hopping up and down, or both, you just get the sense that watching this woman stretching taller is really turning her on.


Thank you for the suggestion and the willingness to put it out there for all of us to see. As I mentioned above - we will just work through this time as best we can. I think your suggestion (or a version of it) is totally workable. Let's see how any others work out and we can put it all to a vote by the rest animation tier! Thank you again!

Kirk Allwein

Hmm...something that might be workable that I wouldn't mind seeing is one of the ladies filling up a button-up shirt to bursting with some BE before the buttons pop off, either sequentially, or all at once :o


I'm not sure if it follow the rule, but it may be nice to add a little EUF (Embarrassed Underwear Female) for the shy girl :) like when her pants rip appart, her cute underwear (heart printed maybe :P) are exposed and she's shy about it and tries to cover it with her hands saying "ho no, my underwear are exposed!" :D

Louis Thomas

How about something like the last panel of the 2nd page of your she hulk courtroom comic where someone is having tight hourglass growth and they're trying to fight it?


As a scenario i would like to suggest a situation that takes place while driving or within a car again. For example one character could go during her final drivers test when her unwanted spurt kicks in,


HAHA Love it. Sure, I will put it on the list and it will go on the poll!

green eyes

How about changing a tire in the rain!! ;)


Oh man, how has that not come up already!?!?! Great idea and I am surprised I didn't think of it myself!


Personally, I enjoy the results of the growth. The sex parts at the end where the subjects cum/orgasm to be exact. I especially enjoy the "cock growing to insane, ultra-veiny sizes while still inside the woman" scenes. (Like in GL017 Photo 65) The idea of him making so much cum that his cock expands expands from the balls and up into the woman is one of my favorite scenarios. Love your art, keep it up! 😉👍


Hey, appreciate the feedback and the ideas. I do wonder if having more 'sexy' scenes is of interest to the group as a whole. I don't mind drawing them for the animations (as I clearly do it already for the comics). Glad you are enjoying them and I will add that idea to the list. Also, Photo 65! I do like that one a lot. I feel it was one of those 'watershed' drawings where my art got better after I drew it!


Let's see, a scenario I'd suggest is where one woman, really turned on by the growth, drinks milk directly from an already grown woman's growth, making her own horny self growth seductively out of her own clothes upon consumption.


Nice one. I will put that on the list. This was something I was considering for an animation down the line too!