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OK - let's get April previews rolling. We are doing a long animation this month and my goal is to get you as many previews and looks at the upcoming animations as I can. 

One thing that is a top vote getter is to have a 'shy giantess embarrassed by her growth'. Well, here she is. This is  Patricia "Trish" Deacon and she is NEW to the whole growth thing and somewhat embarrassed about being large and naked. 

Here's a little clip of her grown and trying to hide behind a building. 

More to come of course and most previews will be out of order in terms of the final animation. I will work to choose ones I think you will enjoy and ones that give a sense of what you can expect!

Enjoy and talk with you soon!





Awwww, she looks so cute :) scared by the little bird :)


I love how cute this is