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This is a message DIRECTLY for my Animation Tier. Read if you want to know and help shape the FUTURE!

I want to talk with you FIRST about upcoming ideas for the Patreon and why I think you might be excited!

First, I need to give you all my deepest thanks and appreciation for all your support. You’ve directly inspired me to make a lot more art and animation. It’s been a long while since I was THIS FIRED UP about bringing you new BE/GTS art. Thank you so, so much for your help, encouragement and support. We would not be here without it!
Ideas for the Future Part 1 -  $10 Animation Tier and YOU

The $10 tier will continue to have access to everything it currently does as well as be the main tier for guiding the animations and parts of the Patreon. You are the MAIN VOTERS for ideas! The $10 tier would also have access to all the back catalog of animation (as it does now). 

ALSO, I am always looking for a way to get the longtime subscribers of the $10 tier extra rewards for being part of this tier. Heck, I want more rewards for the tier in general! I’m open to suggestions of course! Now, I know a few of you might be thinking “Give the $10 tier MORE COMIC PAGES!” Well, that *is* a suggestion but let’s remember that this is the animation tier and I think most all of the people here are looking for more animation. That said – anything is fair game if you want me to hear your idea. 

Some ROUGH ideas (tell me if you like 'em) for the ANIMATION TIER ONLY

  • Custom art 
  • Pick a character for me to add to an upcoming animation
  • Pick a SCENARIO for me to add to an upcoming animation
  • Name an animation (this is mostly a 'for fun' type of thing)
  • Helps me plot an animation
  • Pick a comic sequence from the Growth Lab Series (thanks Louis Thomas for the idea)
  • I did think about making custom animations for one person but that might have to be a tier all by itself. It's a LOT OF WORK to say the least! hehe

Ideas for the Future Part 2 – Longer Animations
Longer Animations seem to be a favorable choice among many patrons and I want to continue in that vein. All my animations require a certain amount of prep (and this is my opinion as the guy drawing the stuff) everyone gets maximum art when animations are at least three weeks in production.
I can go into more detail but a quick comparison is one-week productions tend to have about 11 or so ‘cuts’ – this includes transformation, setup, etc. Maybe more, maybe less. The latest animation had closer to sixty total made over three weeks. "The Interrogation" had more transformation runtime than any three weekly animations tend to have in total. I also think it’s safe to say the female transformations alone (without any story elements) totaled as long as any three ‘one week’ shorts.
The point here is we will be transitioning over to one animation a month. Before you cheer (or groan) just know I don’t say this lightly. I am already putting in roughly 30-40 hours a week into Patreon animations in addition to my “RL” job. I love drawing animations too! Just know I’m not sandbagging the work when it comes to longer animations. I don’t jump Scrooge McDuck style into a pile of cash each night and laugh about how little I have to do! Hahah! I start a new animation immediately when I finish an old one. 
Now maybe you have concerns or ideas at this point. Maybe you would like to see animations (final animations) released at a faster pace! Well, so would I. In fact we did that for a while but the Patreon really took a rise when we did longer animations. Also, I don’t have any resources beyond me but we are getting there! Read on!
Ideas for the Future Part 3 - Another way to see the latest animation!
Now, this is something I have been thinking about for a while – that is – another tier that can access the latest animation. Here’s the current idea and I must stress – this is not a “done deal” at this point.
Allow the $5 tier to see one prior animation. The tier would only get access to ONE ANIMATION AT A TIME. Full stop! One animation. If you think that’s nuts, read on for the full idea.
The idea is a $5 subscriber can download one recently finished animation. So, if we are in June, this person would get access to the May finished animation (you get the idea). This would be on a schedule and mid-month (or whenever) the next animation would be switched in. Sure, there is some flim-flammery where a person could subscribe on the 1st – download the latest and then get ANOTHER animation on the 15th or so but by and large the idea here is to encourage a person to check in for a lower price and see what all the fuss is about. Ideally, they upgrade if they want access to the total library of animation work and all the rewards. If they feel $5 is their speed they can stay there and still get a monthly animation. 
Heck, it could even be something where the $5 tier sees the animation from TWO months ago so they are always two months behind the main animation tier. Also – this likely would bring in more patrons to help support the goal of me putting in MORE time and upping the animation output. 
Mind you, this $5 animation thing is an idea at this point. I want to make sure YOU at the $10 tier are still the premium animation customers. From what I imagine the $5 deal is only good if one continuously subscribes. If someone drops off or misses a few months then they miss animations and have no way (at $5) to get them back. 
If you have ideas about things YOU would like to see or idea to help bring in more friends and fans you can always drop me a line. I will be putting up more polls over the coming weeks. 
A Summary - things to take away from this post

  • I will be transitioning the Patreon to one animation a month. I posted the reasons above but I would like to give this a trail run of a few months to see what we can get. If you have been here any length of time you know I am always adapting and listening to the patrons here. The main goal is to set up a winning situation for both you and me! Let’s see how things go for a bit, I do think you will approve of this direction.
  • I am CONSIDERING allowing the $5 tier to view one animation/month. There are some logistics to work out but the general plan would be to implement it come May 2019. That’s about a month away at this point and things might change. NOTHING IS SET IN STONE about this idea and your feedback is welcome! 
  • I would love to hear if you have other ideas to bring in more patrons too!
  • I would like to give the $10 TIER MORE REWARDS in general and lifetime rewards for long-term patrons. This is something I am always looking at. Do you have any suggestions? DM, comment here or mail me at granitelog(at)Hotmail(dot)com!

Drop me a line if you have ANY ideas or feedback, it might not always be doable but it's useful to know what you are hoping for.
I will be posting more details as we go but that is the main idea. Thank you again for listening and thank you so much for your support!



Louis Thomas

I like the idea of a custom art lottery, kinda going back to the contest stuff you did. If you opened a custom animations tier, how much do you think it would be?


That my friend is a tough question. If it was something like we have NOW in terms of animation it would probably be higher than something like "Make me a gif". Really, it's like I said before, it all comes down to what I would detail as the limits of the tier and I haven't done that at this point.