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I did a quick poll with the Animation tier about the possibility of an extra cut of the next movie release. It looks like we will be getting an ALL FEMALE transformation cut of the final animation. 

To be clear there will be two versions in the final release!

  • Regular Cut full length animation (all dialog, all sound, dialog and SFX)
  • Additional Cut of the final film with JUST the female transformations parts (with the associated, sound, VFX and dialog)

Now realize this is an experimental thing I'm trying out to see how you like it. Also realize I will not be 'remaking' an entire film around the female transformations. I'm just grabbing all the transformation parts and putting them one after another in order as they appear in the final movie. This is mostly as a nod to people who might enjoy seeing transformation sequences.

Some people might prefer other versions or cuts but for now we will start with this and see how it goes. As you know the main goal of the Patreon is to bring you more of what you want and as we venture more into Growth Lab stories there will naturally be more characters and story development. That doesn’t mean I won't try to pack in tons of transformations. It's just a natural progression into something like a full-length movie. 

We shall see on release though! This time around, as an experiment, I will do these two cuts.

Thank you again for your support and take care!



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