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Hey all, I thought I would start up a series of posts where I answer questions I get from you inside and outside the Patreon about what the fug is happening in the Growth Lab. For now I will be doing a bullet point style question and answer. I am going to start posting answers to recent questions. If YOU have any questions please feel free to post them here or message me directly at granitelog(at)hotmail(dot)com


Decom when it's said in the GLab universe is the slang used for decompression chamber or decompression process. In the story this name was derived from the military who first invented the process behind the growth energy and once it was found to cause people to grow came up with a process to siphon off the energy. The first machines were similar to a diver's decompression chamber and hence the nickname. The nickname in universe stuck and now we have the word decom. 

Luna's Ability to Control Her growth When she FIRST grew back in GLab 12 she more or less had control of her emotions and feelings during the growth. As we can see in the latest issues she is far less in control and tends to be easily overwhelmed by others and her own sexual desires. The reason here (in universe) is her ability for control has dropped as her ability to absorb energy has increased. At this stage she is probably able to absorb two to three times the amount of energy she used to be able to absorb. She is also far less likely to be able to control herself at that amount. I would say it's likely she has control as long as she is within the limits of her original GLab 12 growth size. Still she is a lot more unstable overall.

Luna's Ability to cause herself to grow - Part 1 this is a little tricky. Overall, my head canon on this one is she cannot grow independently of a nearby energy source. I believe and I might be incorrect that nearly all the times she has grown or stated that she wants to grow she has been near another giant or another energy source.

Luna's Ability to cause herself to grow - Part 2 - the phrase Rocket Science This was introduced in the Michelle Saga Part 1 I think. For me it was a way to have Luna grow without constraint. It was basically a hypnotic suggestion planted on her while she was grown. The phrase when spoken aloud near her normally will cause her to unload all her stored up energy. Most of the time this will trigger all the people around her to grow. She might be able to stop things if she is composed enough to re-absorb the energy as she discharges it but normally she just let's go.

Another Night Comic Story and how it fits into the GLab series - Well, the thing here is I tried something where I went and spoke about happenings of Prom Night from another perspective. I don't think it worked out super well. By that I mean there is a pretty hard break before and after page 48. I originally had a caption labeled '2 hours later' and it represented a short time jump. Thing is - the rest of the story essentially happens in the present day. I adjusted the label to correctly read "present day". I checked the story and the quick look seems to be that all the pre-page 48 work is pretty well fine as a quick look at the events after GLab 6 and all the post page 48 stuff should just be considered present day. If there are a lot more irregularities beyond that you can probably chalk it fairly up to my horrible storytelling! haha 

Luna's height when she grows A thing about Luna's height and the height of others. Mostly it varies depending on the situation. In my head canon I see most of the growth as sub 6 meters (20 feet). Enough to allow for complete clothes destruction and still not so big that every building and vehicle is trashed.

Another thing about the growth is, as you notice, a level of control that Luna has when grown. Another head canon thing with me is she is relatively in control of her sexual urges up to a point. It's a bit of a tipping point though, if she crosses it then she needs to carry it all the way to the finish (discharge, orgasm, etc). If Luna is in control though she can slowly or quickly shrink back down with her own 'powers' as it would be. I mentioned in a few of the comics that people tend to generate growth energy and cause others to grow, this is the basic way it works, like a virus or something. The other style is a person who can absorb energy. That's Luna and maybe a few others. Most of the time when people are talking about decom they are referring to the process of absorbing energy. Luna does that naturally.

One of the recent storylines starts to explain that Luna has been absorbing the energy for so long that she has been able to increase her ability through use. The side effect is her natural state has gotten bigger and bigger breasts. In one of the issues it's pretty clearly shown that she is a bit bigger than GLab 11/12 and that is due to all the energy she has been absorbing. I think I might go back to this idea at some point and explain the ultimate beginning of the Growth Labs in some sort of pre-GLab story.

That's it for now - if you have a question - ask away! I will do my best!


Louis Thomas

1) What exactly does "Bursting" do? 2) Are the people who didn't make it through the tram journey in 4 without bursting still alright?


1. Bursting is a term (in universe) for people who are about to unload all their energy. This in normally followed by a return to regular size. The synonym in universe would be 'blowing' or 'busting'. This can also be conflated with a sexual release.