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Another round of polling for the next animation is wrapped up and here are the results. Overall we have a few new things to look forward to. Here are the top results (in order as of this post)

  • Pleasurable growth SFX (she enjoys the growth, is excited)
  • Bra / Panties destruction
  • Strained growth SFX (think perhaps a strained Hulk transformation)
  • Butt/Rear End growth shots
  • Slight FMG (think high level gymnast instead of body builder)
  • Masturbation/Insertion into vagina
  • Lots of reactions shots to the growth

Some great new directions in there and I wanted to THANK everyone here at the Patreon for your support! At ANY level I appreciate the fact you are helping me bring YOU new animations and art.

Let's go over some of the results and what you can expect.

The Next Long Animation - Luna

The next animation is set in my Growth Lab universe and features Luna Masters. If you aren't familiar with her story (and the rest of the GLab universe) then you can always read the (sometimes inscrutable) comic back at the main site (https://www.readyartzone.com/) All the GLab stories going back to the beginning are there. Short story, Luna is one of the people responsible for a mutation causing men and women to grow. She's been trying to fix things for a while now and you know what - she's had little success. I guess if she did succeed there wouldn't be a lot of growing so there's that. 

This animation will be done over the next couple weeks and you can expect the FINAL MP4 to go up Sunday February 24th in the evening. Before that happens you can look forward to a lot of preview GIFs in the $5 and $10 tier. 

The Results (* indicates this will be in the NEXT animation - Luna)

*Pleasurable growth SFX (she enjoys the growth, is excited)

This seems to be a top rated one pretty consistently. I think I will be making this one semi permanent BUT to help satisfy those who want more of a strained growth session I will switch up now and then to a more 'hulk out' like session of growth.

*Bra / Panties destruction 

First off, I think you have spoken loud and clear and I will look to make bra and panty destruction a PERMANENT part of every animation going forward. I will be removing it from the poll with the general understanding that I will look to work in at least ONE if not both of those from here on out. 

Strained growth SFX (think perhaps a strained Hulk transformation)

See the comment above. This one gets a bit of votes but since it's not beating the pleasurable growth I will simply sprinkle it in animations from here on out. 

*Butt/Rear End growth shots

New option and I will be adding this to the upcoming animation! This is a fav of mine to draw so good choice there!

*Slight FMG (think high level gymnast instead of body builder)

Of course! Another goodie

*Masturbation/Insertion into vagina

Maybe not the most votes but I think this one is worth an add if only to help vary things up!

*Lots of reactions shots to the growth

A decent amount of votes and not in the top three. I do think I will look to make this one happen as much as possible in the Luna animation.


Talk with you soon and I will be posting another poll once the Luna animation is wrapped up!




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