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Another preview from the upcoming animation Hannah. I really like how this sequence came out and I hope you do too! I think the longer development time for this animation helps a lot and it certainly lead to this animation happening. Normally I would have animated this one a LOT shorter just to hit the pace I was keeping. Thanks to you and your understanding I am putting in more time on as many sequences as I reasonably can!

Thank you again and the final MP4 with sound, dialog, music and SFX will be going up tomorrow night!





it looks really promising :) Maybe the panties goes off a bit too fast though


Yah, I'm getting the hang of the slower work. My idea is to wrap this one up, add the VFX and dialog and music and then start work near immediately on the next one. I will probably put up a poll this weekend to get a feel for subjects you and the others might like to explore in the new animation!