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I posted about this earlier and wanted to share a little more about the behind the scenes here in the Ready Art Zone. 

For me, I have always worked to bring you the most and very best art I can. A lot of times that means trying out new ideas. One of those was adding 2D animation to the Patreon which turned out to be a roaring success. 

I'm not saying 3D art is the future of the Patreon but I do think there is a lot of merit in trying this out to see if, perhaps, there is some way to use it to bring you awesome 3D animations in my Ready Art style. By style I mean lots of the tearing, ripping and general growth catastrophes I love to draw. 

At the moment these are only samples and ideas and let's be frank - they kinda suck. I am by no means a pro at this but I see a lot of great guys like the Leviathan who inspire me to at least give it a go. By the way - if you haven't already, please check out his deviantArt for some AMAZING 3D growth animations. A lot of FMG and monster stuff there but all is done exceptionally well!

Link to Leviathan on deviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/0-the-leviathan-0

 Trying new things 

For the moment the vast majority of my time is dedicated to bringing you amazing hand drawn animations. But wouldn't it be nice to bring you those and PERHAPS MORE each month? Maybe I can hire a giant animation studio to animate my work in 2D! That would be awesome right? If not that then I can look at alternatives and one of those is 3D art. There are a lot of benefits in doing things with the RIGHT 3D setup and the correct style of animation. 

As an artist, it's helpful for me to switch things up and get a  new perspective on my art and what I can do with it. Maybe this will lead somewhere, maybe not, but I know it's a great help to expand my toolset. I feel many of my artistic leaps in drawing have come from things like trying something new (coloring, animation, etc) since those are the moments I have to codify and distill my style into a new form. It is at THAT point I get an understanding of the things which are important and make the difference.

Hopefully you enjoy these little asides and I hope to bring you more. The Patreon has allowed me a little breathing room from my cavalcade of commissions and real world work. I'm so happy for your support and the ability to bring you not only more 2D art, more animation art but also the chance to try new things! 

Thank you!


BTW - all of the above is done in Blender which is free.  https://www.blender.org/ 




Looks pretty interesting :P


Thanks - like I said - this is just an experiment at the moment. It would need to go a bit further to be considered "Ready Art" level. haha