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Hey all, I know Patreon was down for everyone today. It looks like they have the site sorted and we are back in business!

Something interesting  I noticed and was able to verify in the Discord chat was  if Patreon.com is down then patrons looking to visit my site via their Patreon.com login cannot do so. Hmmm, that makes sense since I don't handle any of the Patreon stuff at all (it's all done via Patreon.com). Still, it SUCKS! 

So you know what? I'm going to drop a little extra stuff for ALL PATREONS. I am opening up a new tier for people interested in knowing how I make animations and do my coloring. At the moment it is looking to be a tier where you will be able to download a TON of Clip Studio and PSD files to check out and study. I plan on making nearly 20 coloring files available at the start as well as a good amount of CLIP animation files to get you going. These will be part of the permanent rewards for that tier. From there on out we will be doing something like a 1-3 month library of recent work for anyone joining. Details are being hammered out but in the meantime...

EVERYONE will get access to a sample of this tier - one Clip Studio animation file and One PSD/CLIP studio coloring file. I will be posting these later today so get ready! These files will be PERMANENT rewards for all Patreons going forward too!

Thank you for your patience and enjoy!



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