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THANK YOU for your direct help in getting the Patreon to grow and improve. As I have stated many times, my goal is to bring you as much art as I can and as your support in my work increases I can bring YOU more for your money!

Starting RIGHT THIS SECOND there are a bunch of new things for ALL Patreons at all levels. Check out the breakdown for each tier.

$1 Tier

  • Added Discord Access for all members (previously unavailable)

$2 Tier

$5 Tier

$10 Tier

  • Added a CLIP STUDIO work file as a NEW REWARD for the Animation Tier. You can see how I made the Cynthia Animation. (you will need Clip Studio 1.85EX to open the file)
  • Added TEN Comic download packs for just this month  (instead of the usual 3 pack). 
  • Added the NEVER BEFORE AVAILABLE Holodeck Time High Res Comic Pack  for just this month! 
  • All files here:  https://www.readyartzone.com/patreon-10-tier-comic-downloads/  

New Tier - Animation and Art Creato

I am working right now on plans for a new tier to help YOU create your own animations and art! I will do what I can to review, tutor or otherwise help people who are interested in making their own animations OR who just want a look behind the scenes at my work flow. Rewards being considered:

  • CLIP STUDIO work files used for animation
  • CLIP STUDIO work files used for coloring and comic art
  • PSDs used for coloring (actually just Clip Studio files converted to PSD for you to get easier access too!)
  • Channel in Discord to talk about creating YOUR animations, art and review work
  • .. and some more items still to be decided
  • This tier is being considered to open starting in February or March 2019. Sound interesting? I hope to inspire some people to create their own work or even help illuminate what happens when I make my work!

How do you like that!?! Jump on in and grab the download goodies. The comic packs will revert/reset at the end of the month so get on it!

Comments or questions welcome and thank you for your support!




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