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OK - here is a rough breakdown of when the animations will be coming out in January. I am going to do something a little different that should get you a longer animation with longer transformations. 

The idea is I will be working on one animation over two weeks. You will still be getting the usual amount of output from me, the change will be me dedicating more time to one subject and set of growth animations. 

Since this is bit of a work in progress you will have to bear with me a little bit. I do plan on releasing SOMETHING on the weekend of the 13th but I am not sure what it will be. It might not be a finished animation but we shall see. The 20th will be the FULL release of the whole "Kris" animation though. 

Expect me to do the usual previews and such over the time leading up to the release. The weekend of the 13th will have previews of course and maybe a little extra to make up for the lack of a full release. So yes, there will be SOME animation work showing up on the 13th!

Do you like this idea? I know a few people had asked about having me do perhaps one or two less short animations and instead work on one project a little longer. Well, let's see how it goes!

Thank you and feedback welcome!




GreatDragon AD

Well, I dont mind how long the animations are as long that they are done right and looks like you got this covered. I do like to suggest in considering in doing animation commissions if you free up your schedule


Thanks and if any time opens up for an animation commission then I will be sure to post about it!