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OK - this is a general question. I have been doing more environmental destruction in our animations and wanted to get a general feel about how much you like the subject.

So we have a very simple poll with the question "Which would you prefer GENERALLY SPEAKING?"

  • A. Growth Sequence with a lot of clothes destruction or growing out of clothing
  • B. Growth Sequence with a lot of growing out of buildings or environmental destruction

This is mostly for my interest. I will be adding in more environmental interaction as we go forward but I am curious how interesting you find it. It also helps guide me when I am working. At the moment it is just me doing the art so a little feedback is always useful!

Comments, questions or more suggestions are always welcome!

Thank you again for your support!



BluEthunder Studio

Growing out of clothing especially jeans is my number one favourite but environment is nice too, but not at the expense of clothing

Kirk Allwein

Going to agree with Blue; if it’s an actual choice between the 2, I’d also prefer more detail on the clothes destruction compared to the building/environment stuff...but yeah, both together are nice :o


Clothes destruction. ^^ Especially sneakers.


Clothes destruction, perhaps pjs and slippers.


Yah, in and ideal situation we would have tons of both. I was mostly curious about a preference from you and the group as a whole. If, say, there was an overwhelming request for more environmental stuff then I could add more. I am not looking to replace anything at this point though! But all in all - great to hear from you and the others!


Well, yes, as I mentioned above I would love to bring the most of everything to every single animation. The question wasn't about a binary one or the other as much as it was about getting a gauge on the general interest for environmental destruction. I have done other polls in the past and a lot of times allowing multiple votes or lots of choices tends to dilute core answers. In this particular case you will note I added the phrase "generally speaking" to indicate I am not looking for a binary answer as much as get a general feel for some of the recent direction, in this case clothes versus buildings. I assume most of the time people want everything they can get (BE, GTS, lots of clothes ripping, color, sound, dialog, voice acting if possible, etc). For me I am working towards bringing YOU and everyone the best I can but I will have to do it in steps and I want to make sure those steps are ones you enjoy. Thank you for your reply!


Both are great, but clothes destruction takes the cake. You pull it off with mass succes and art


Thanks! I definitely have a lot of time put into the wrecking of clothes! haha


Personally prefer clothes. But have you also thought about slower growth? Taking more time growing out of the outfit. Granted it is a personal preference, but still. You do great work, so just curious.


I have thought about slower growth. That actually might be in the cards sooner than later. At the moment I am working on maximizing my time to get everyone the best growth/BE animations I can. What you're suggesting is something I can look into! Thank you!


Personally I love the environment destruction. Speed hasn't been too much an issue, but the one thing I feel it usually lacks is a final, wide/zoomed out shot with some comparable environment to give a good sense of scale.


Yah, that final shot you are speaking about will mos-def start showing up much more. Thank you so much for the reply!


I like the clothes destruction, and lactation, id like to see more of that, along with spacesuit destruction and xray of inside the suit as its happening