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As you might have noticed I am running a little special for the whole Patreon. In mid-December I will be releasing one animation to all the tiers of the Patreon. I am also offering this tier nearly 400 pages of comic art (high res) to download for the last two weeks of December.

I can't thank you all enough and I hope you look at this animation release for what it is - a driver to bring more people into the Patreon and bring YOU more content. Already with your support I have been able to create SO MANY ANIMATIONS. I want to see that continue and I hope you do too! 

I know ANY donation is a big deal but you in particular are putting down a good chunk and I respect that a lot. When I was coming up there was nothing like Patreon and most of my 'transactions' were at seedy liquor stores where one would get their 'nudie magazine' tossed in a brown paper bag to spare embarrassment. We've come a long way since then and I thank you again for your support! 

If you ever have any questions or want to talk with me directly please feel free to mail me here or at granitelog(at)hotmail(dot)com

Thank you!




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