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I had a great question in the Discord about animations and the timing of their release.

Basically the deal is this. If you check the front page of the Patreon you will see I mention doing at least three animations a month

I'm leaving the stated goal at three a month BUT I have been aiming internally for one a week. That works out to more than three a month and the idea is to give you more for your money. As you might already know, three a month = 36/year while one a week = 52/year.

As the Patreon continues to grow I will work to bring you more in terms of quality as well. More length, more color, more SFX work, more VFX work and possibly even voice acting. The end goal is to bring you movies or mini movies.

Personally this is something I always wanted when I was coming up in the community. It seems like there is such a dearth of BE/GTS animations and movies. I imagine most of us can name most of the significant ones in the last 30 years (probably quite a few involve She Hulk cartoons or one off cartoon growth situations).

I hope we can change that and create animations to not only entertain but show there is a demand for this! I would LOVE to see many other creators doing this. The more the merrier and the better for YOU TOO!

So yah, the stated goal is three a month but I have been hitting one a week. Mostly they land at the end of the weekend (Sunday). If I have WIPs I will post them during the week or Saturday. 

Thank you again and talk with you soon!



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