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Looking for Partners in Comics (and animation)!

So, every so often I put out a call for collaboration partners and I wanted to post again that I AM LOOKING!

FIRST OFF – Everything is going great!

I want to be clear things are going well and all planned work is continuing as expected. The idea here is to get some breathing room and maybe even level up the Patreon and main site a bit! It’s really due to the support from friends and fans this can even happen.

The Patreon, the main site and all the regular updates you have come to expect will continue as normal. This is about getting you MORE for your time and support! With the Patreon gaining traction and a huge backlog of already done comics (at least art-wise) as well as the added animations there is an opportunity for new help in the mix. 

I’m coming to you first, friends and fans, since you probably know me best and perhaps you would like to help. Let’s start with incentives first and then talk about what I’m looking for.


Yes, you read that right. We will have to discuss particulars based on the work but you would be compensated for your time. The obvious route is money but there are possibilities like custom art or other options I’m thinking about. Compensation would scale as your help increases and there will be additional rewards for people as the Patreon hits certain goals and I can afford to do more for you!

If you want to know more about compensation then CONTACT ME DIRECTLY. It will vary depending on what you are able to contribute. 

You would also get special VIP access to my Discord where we would have discussions, talk about the work and art. This is also where YOU can weigh in with your opinion and possibly help shape things going forward.

Let’s be honest. Being a fan of my work will go a long way. I am willing to talk with anyone though and all options are on the table at the moment.

Please read all the below options if you are interested

Option 1 - Comic Lettering

This is a small sounding but really important role I’ve been looking to fill for a while. All my comics are created and lettered digitally in Clip Studio. I would LOVE to find a partner to help me letter the 11 plus pages of comics I need done each week. This is a pretty low key affair and likely would take someone less than an hour or so if you use a similar setup to mine. You would only need something like Clip Studio (preferably) or Photoshop and a bit of patience. What you would be getting is my art at high resolution with my hand lettering. You would be expected to go through each page and digitally letter my handwriting, adding in word balloons and the like. A bonus is adding in SFX words but that is optional.

I would LOVE help with this one. If you are interested contact me via mail or DM! (see all contact options below)

Option 2 – Comic Inking or coloring

This is a little more complicated. If you fancy yourself some sort of inker or colorist then drop me a line. The hope is to team up with another artist to add something new to my art. I am open to all options at the moment. If you are a starting artist and want to talk – please do! Having prior experience in the digital art will really help but I’m not going to split hairs if you are gung ho about working with me.

Option 3 – Writing, dialog and story help

THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM! I think we can all agree what I’m doing here isn’t Shakespeare and there is plenty of room for improvement. What I am looking for is a writing partner who can work with me to clean up EXISTING and FUTURE comics. This would involve taking art that is already there and (ideally) improving the dialog and storylines. Think of it as working “the Marvel Comics way” where there is a plot and art page and you would be going back in to add dialog and additional story elements. 


Great, let’s talk – see the contact info below.


Look folks, I am working to bring you my very best and doing all I can. It would be amazing to find someone who can help out and bring things to the next level.

Heck even if you have a lead on someone who can might be interested – send them my way. You never know!


Email granitelog(at)hotmail(dot)com

Patreon https://www.patreon.com/readyart/ DM (if you are a patron)

Main Site: https://www.readyartzone.com/

Deviant Art: http://readyart.deviantart.com/ 

Clip Studio website (if interested): https://www.clipstudio.net/en

Thank you and talk with you soon!


PS - as a bonus TWO high res versions of the above drawing are attached for your enjoyment! Thank you again for your support!




If NOTHING else at least grab those high res photos people! haha Thank you again and hope to hear from you!

BluEthunder Studio

I'd be interested in helping with dialogue / story plotting