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I want to thank you all for your support at this tier level. My goal in addition to animation is to bring you my newest work and ideas as early as I can. 

By the way, we are still on for a new animation by the end of this weekend!

Greyscale works

Above are a few greyscale comps I did for an upcoming comic. It's an early look but I thought you might enjoy it. As things progress and YOUR support allows me more time I want to bring grey shading and even color to the animations. That might not be as far off as you think and I for one would love to see a She-hulk animation where she, you know, turns green! haha


One other thing for all the new and returning patrons. As I mentioned my goal is to bring you an animation a week at this level. Obviously would be a shorter animation versus a long movie but as I mentioned before I have been considering stringing a bunch of weeks into one longer movie. 

For now though you can look for a growth, transformation or GTS/BE type animation EVERY week(end). That means there should (generally) be at least four (or more) animations in each pledged month. I only promised THREE in the pledging but I want to bring you more. With more people entering at this tier I am willing to put in some extra work to give you more!


Also - if you haven't already you can head on over to the Discord. There is a SPECIAL VIP lounge EXCLUSIVE to this tier. You are welcome to join me and discuss anything you like including requests and feedback. If you don't care to then please feel free to contact me in any way you prefer. I am available here via comments or private messaging or via direct email at granitelog[at]hotmail[dot]com

Thank you again and I appreciate all your support. 





Looking forward to this


@A guy not named Umana - Yah, I really have to thank you and all the others in this tier in particular. I feel that we are onto an idea here which people want. Animation has long been something I enjoy doing but I have kept it pretty lowkey till now. I really want to make this a larger scale production with your support. Way down the line I imagine things like 2d as well as 3d movies. I love hand drawn but I see a lot of possibilities with 3d art and animation. Thank you for the support!