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There is a 14 page preview .RAR attached to this post for you to enjoy! 

As I mentioned in my prior post I will be creating a new comic story. What you have here is a high res look at the kind of art I hope to achieve at a minimum. 

The idea will be to have much more cohesive stories and overall better rendering with the characters and backgrounds getting more detail. 

Don't leap into the air and throw money at me just yet. This is a ways off. What you are seeing in this post is still from my REGULAR Growth Lab comics you will get as part of the Patreon. This is art with amped up detail for you to enjoy and to show you yes, I can draw backgrounds too! HAHA!

As for the new comic, the story and the setting. The plan at the moment (and things can always change) is to focus on new characters in new situations. This will be set canonically in the GLab universe so it's not like I am starting over. A rough comparison would be a comic universe with lots of characters, stories and situations which all relate in various ways. 

I would like to branch out a little with my work and bring you and myself to a new level with my stories and art. I have been drawing for over 30 years. Saying that out loud really hammers home how far I've come on certain things and how little I have progressed on others. 

I loved drawing the pages you have in your hands right now. They definitely took more time but I think you will agree they are worth it!

Look for more news as things develop! I'll keep you posted!




Kirk Allwein

oooh...this definitely looks neat :o Looking forward to seeing what the new thing'll be :D


Thank you! Really excited about this one myself! Drawing the background stuff and upping the detail is a process but the end result it worth it I think!