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** attached comic pages are from GLab 40 Bombs Away which is available for ALL PATRONS!**

Comics Reminder!

I want to thank everyone who enjoys my comics and art. I started with comics way, WAY back and a few of you were with me then. It's been a huge pleasure for me to bring you my art over the years and I look forward to getting you more of my best!

Where are your comics Ready?

Two main places

My Main site Ready Art Zone.com

Read comics in my galleries here. (use your Patreon login for FREE access)

DOWNLOAD all my comics from my main site (use your Patreon login for FREE access)

Lifetime Access - CURRENT AND FORMER PATRONS – ANYONE AND EVERYONE who has EVER donated $12 TOTAL to my Patreon will have access to the Patreon Comic Section and Lifetime Comic Section even if they leave the Patreon. Basically, if you need to bow out of the Patreon for ANY reason you will STILL be able to get access to the Patreon comic page to read the latest comic updates. 

MEGA Drive Comics

This is a newer area for me so bear with me as I workshop the best way to use this to get you comics!

ALL COMICS ARE HERE on MEGA: https://bit.ly/40xbrD4 

OK - those are the MAIN places to get and read comics. If you need to get caught up ideally this will help you. If you have any suggestions - drop them in the comments below!





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