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Animation Lovers, friends and fans - read it all and see what you think!

Hey all and thank you SO much for your support. Can you believe how far YOU'VE brought this Patreon? We started with black and white shorts, no color, no music and look where we are today. Fully voice acted, full color, HD animations! That's all thanks to you and I'm humbled by your support.

Next Steps! 

The next step for me is to bring you more elaborate/complex animations - basically to up the animation production. Allow me to explain the overall plan and if you have any questions - ask away in the comments.


  • There will still be monthly animation happening - that is not changing!

  • I'm still working the same amount on the movies or MORE! hahah That is not changing!

  • WIPs, previews and early looks will still be happening each month - that is not changing!

  • Some movies might be combined into larger movies once they are released.

  • Longer, more elaborate animation sequences might take more than one month to create (and you will see the WIP versions as we go!)

  • I am still planning a monthly release of the current movie!

Long version

I have a pretty tight schedule each month and it's ONLY ME making all this. I do all the production work, the animation, the coloring and I work with the voice actors and write the scripts. I also assemble the movie at the end of the month. Additionally, you know I draw comics and handle all my social media. I don't say that to get your pity, just to set the stage.

Well, that makes things tight when it comes to animation and I would love to up the quality of the work for you but that takes time. Some of that's trail and error, some of that's experimenting and testing new ideas and a lot of it is just nose to the grindstone work! haha

What I would like to do is expand the work and put a little more oomph into the movies. I don't have an exact blueprint to hand you but this month is a good example. There are some more complicated scenes I will be doing but they will take me a little more time. That just means less "movie minutes" for the same amount of work. My plan is to then combine two months (or more!) to get a longer movie with higher production.

The Goal

  • Bring you even better transformation movies!

  • Bring in more friends and fans so we can keep upping the quality!

  • If we get enough support I can possibly hire help to offset production work and YOU WIN AGAIN if that happens. I would love to 'just animate' and put all my effort in that. At this point it isn't really possible for me to bring in a part time, much less a full time assistant.

I hope I explained the basic idea well and I do hope you see the possibilities. Please ask away in the comments if you have questions. 

The main thing to know is want to bring YOU my best work. I think we're at another 'level up' point and I wanted you to know what the plan is. You've helped me get here and I want you to be with me going forward.

Thank you again and STAY AWESOME!


PS, if you don't want to comment but like where this idea can take us - PUT A LIKE ON THIS POST! haha


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