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Andrew and Ben bring you: A Tipping Report, an even more detailed Tipping Report, a free pass on vorarephilia, a French meteorite that wasn't, and an apparently newsworthy fishing trip.


Outro: Paint Some Lines On It - Nah feat. Givv


Mathieu Debic

“Fun” and (sort of?) related Kansas State University fact: K-State is located in Manhattan, Kansas. This college town (which is not as good as Lawrence, Kansas, home to the University of Kansas) is the planned location of what is being called the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, slated to open in 2023. This facility is, per Wikipedia, “designed to combat biological threats involving human, zoonotic, and foreign animal diseases.” It is also intended to serve as a replacement for the Plum Island Animal Disease Research Center in New York. Now, everyone will surely remember that Plum Island is the location of the annual week-long “vacations” offered by the FBI to Hannibal Lecter in a last ditch effort to secure his help with finding Buffalo Bill in The Silence of the Lambs. Lecter refuses because it’s an animal disease research facility, which is important to the plot, but his derision of the offer is actually quite stupid because the island is a wildlife haven since access to it is super strictly controlled. There are definitely not diseased animals just walking around. The island’s name even comes from the native beach plums (Prunus maritima) that line its shores. Lovely. Now, an interesting fact about the Plum Island facility is that it is (or was) the only research facility of its kind in the U.S. allowed by federal law to work with live samples of bovine hoof and mouth disease, which has been eradicated in the U.S. This privilege (?) is presumably due at least in part to the fact that the Plum Island facility is, as the name suggests, on an island. Where no one lives. Away from the mainland. In controlled-access waters. Contrast these geographic features with those of Manhattan, Kansas, which is both extremely not an island (it’s actually in the very middle of the country), and is definitely a place where people live. Also, Kansas is one of the farm states (although a relatively good one; they killed a shitload of pro-slavery guys during the run-up to Kansas joining the Union) where in addition to corn, there are lots of cattle. The very same cattle susceptible to hoof and mouth disease. All this to say, I can’t wait for some midwest-ass truck driver delivering a bunch of boxes marked “BIOHAZARD - DO NOT EAT” to hit some black ice on the road and dump a load of live animal diseases and/or the viscera hosting those diseases onto the side of the interstate in the very center of the country. Talk about a Tipping Report, amirite?


Gotta be honest, this wasnt the best Tipping Report to listen to while trying to eat.....