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Theo, Andrew, and Ben bring you: A series of tabloid headlines, the hunt for the Welsh chupacabra, and how to take care of the raccoon you shouldn't have.


Joshua Evans

Finally, my country represented in media


Started a new job recently, guy in the worker's group chat dropped this beauty of a text. Hey guys! So this 2 weeks ago was the Eurovision Song Contest and, if you guys don't know about it, it is an absolute treasure trove of great music. My personal favorite was Norway's entry: "Queen of the Kings" by Alessandre. It came in 5th in the contest, but it's my personal favorite. This song is so good it made feel like I had girl power even though I have a Y chromosome lol. Definitely made me want to go out and kick a guy in the nuts (that's girl power right?) Anyway, my ramblings aside, you all should definitely should check it out! It'll give you the power to get through your runs or whatever you do to stay in shape