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It's that time of the year again where we use all of our podcasting power to save Australia from imminent disaster through the power of livestreaming.  

Tonight at 7pm Brisbane time / 8pm Hobart time we will be livestreaming a live episode of the podcast Boonta Vista as we attempt to break the world record for most people or objects threatened with a lead pipe in the course of a single podcast episode. For every $500 donated to the GoFundMe, we will threaten 10 entire people or objects.  

The causes we are supporting are the following:  

- Sikh Volunteers Australia, who do sensational work providing food to those in need (https://www.sikhvolunteersaustralia.org/

- The Lismore branch of the New South Wales State Emergency Service. Lismore is getting absolutely rat-fucked and the SES are out there saving lives. (https://www.ses.nsw.gov.au/get-involved/donations/

- Loop Growers Brisbane. This farm in Draper is the cornerstone of my community in so, so many ways and the floods have destroyed everything they have. On top of that, it is home to both my beautiful goat Yirg and Theo's chicken Rogue. (https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-loop-growers-farm-with-flood-recovery)  

The live stream will be live streamed at twitch.tv/BoontaVista  

Donations are already open and you can hurl your money at these people in need right here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/boonta-vista-flood-relief-2022-no-billboard 

Please direct any questions or comments to Andrew.  Love you xoxo




This will happen while my stupid American body is at this pointless place called "work". Gonna donate now in hopes that this breaks the record of "Longest Live Stream of the Australian Podcast Boonta Vista" for me to watch later. Also where is the new billboard going to be? I hope you and yours are well.

Nick Fredman

As a Lismore ex-pat I’m hearing lots of heart-rending stories from friends - this is really appreciated xo