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Theo and Andrew are going down a deep dark hole to see if there's a path to redemption  for a young man who committed a single, iconic incident of naughtiness. We also need to talk about an issue with a horse's dick.


features creatures

So is that where Chris Lilley got it from? The bubbler. I’m gonna assume that’s not a normal feature of Australian culture to the extent that it has a name. Right? Right? Please. Right?

features creatures

I’m officially confused. Is this all just a big joke? “It's huge in Australia. It's part of our everyday life. My dad actually taught me how to do it when I was a kid.” https://www.vice.com/en/article/bn5de4/pissing-mouth-australia-skaters-troy-weston


Re stinky office bathrooms, I have definitely noticed this more after returning to work. Re shoeys, I have only encountered this without the spitting part. They just drank beer out of a shoe.