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Andrew and Theo are having a chat about protesting vegans and taking your questions about the cylindrical nature of politicians, campus birds, pre-date rope busting and what to do when your racist uncle considers you one of his best homies.



Thank you for being the only political talk show in Australia that didn't paint animal rights activists as criminals, garbage humans or terrorists for participating in basic civil disobedience for the betterment of society. The protest had a pretty big impact relative to other AR protests - Google searches for the Dominion documentary went through the roof and over 60,000 watches of Dominion are attributed to the new traffic. Goes to show a little organising and monkey-wrenching goes a long way.

Taylor Manderson

Captain Getup's original press release claims they have a Snapchat. They did not have a Snapchat until my lefty friend claimed it and started promoting GetUp content.