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Folks! Beautiful Patrons! 

Thanks to your amazing support we've now reached our first goal of $800 USD per month, and that fucking whips ass.

Now one of the things we promised we'd do once we reached this goal was to get better microphones so our sound quality would stop sucking so much, but we already did that! We had enough support to get Shure SM58 mics for each of us and we figured sooner was better than later. 

We also already started doing some commentary tracks! Some people love em, some people don't (judging at least one withering assessment given as a reason for dropping a subscription). We'll keep doing them every now and then but we certainly don't want to make it a primary form of bonus content. 

So for these reasons, I'm thinking that we need to redefine our tiered goals. We already started doing stuff from the first tier, and I'd like to start doing stuff from the second goal now! We want to start doing some video content, and I also want to add a secondary pledge tier for $10 a month: Lover Of The Show

Beyond the obvious benefit of being officially recognised as an intimate lover of each member of the cast, I'm looking for your input on other benefits you'd like from a "premium" subscription tier, like stickers, a monthly newsletter or whatever else you desire.

Please pound off in the comments and let us know what you think, and again: thank you so much for your support, it kicks a pile of hot ass.

- Andrew



Some sort of live interactive feed with the patreonies, a twitch stream or something so we can hear it live but also comment/heckle/insult along with the show. Mostly so I can go WHATS THIS ABOUT CELLPHONES HURRRRRR every time you talk about people self-owning. Basically be more like Q&A.